Session XI : Up Report Report in Amerielle | World Anvil
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Session XI : Up Report

General Summary

The players talk with Dreana Garnet who recounts her tail of having been drawn to Amun-Re's temple, she informs them of her experience climbing up from the chamber with the Sphynx and how she attacked the High Priest, but was unable to kill him.   They begin their exploration of this level, Fye, uses a scarab beetle to slip underneath a door and check things out. In one of the viewing domes, they use Marosh's magical rope to lift up a dead adventurer's bag with some gold and gems in it. They enter a hallway and there are confronted with a monstrous beast, an Undead Minotaur. The players quickly engage him and begin to take massing swings at the creature. Jamis Frostshadow runs through another door to flank the creature but comes face to face with another Skeleton Minotaur and begins to run away. The creature pursues, gores him and throws his body against a wall.      Cramus Wrenth steps in and charms the area where the creatures are, inadvertently charming Jamis at the same time. This knocks one of the skeletons out of the fight and buys time for the team to deal with the second skeleton. Fye shoots it in the back with Melf's Acid Arrow and Thallen delivers his killing blow bisecting the creature.   While this is on going, Merosh pickpockets the charmed skeleton while off-hand healing Jamis. During what he believes to be a cue de gras he found himself stuck inside a charmed skeleton. Fye, sensing danger, leapt onto Thallen's back and obliterated the creature with her staff.   As they explored on, they found a hidden compartment beneath a statue with 150gp and a secret door that lead them to a room with a flowing river. They found bowls of magical fruit flies, which when resting look like the most enticing fruit they'd ever seen. They tried to drink the water and found that it had healing qualities. As they explored even more they found a waterfall and two young Dervis's. One who acknowledged he was, Kasile  , the brother of Berek . Fye said her name was Alandria, the code word given by Berek but as the players explored the room "Kasile" slipped up and called Fye by her actual name and the players realized something was not right. The two Dervish rushed to the end of the room and leapt onto the large palm trees with fruit on them.   That was where we ended our session.

Rewards Granted

  • Potion of healing
  • 160 gp
  • 2 rubies
  • 1 large emerald
  • Amulet

Character(s) interacted with

Met and talked with Kasile and determine that something was afoot. Poked Dreana Garnet with Thallen's Letter Opener
Ice Food Truckers
Cramus Wrenth
Report Date
12 Aug 2020
Primary Location


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