Radian Ethnicity in Amastris | World Anvil
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The humans who live in the verdant river valleys of the north are known to the world as the Radians. They are a people closely tied to both faith and sword and are known to be kind and cruel in equal measure. They are nearly absolute in their faith to their one true god, Pelor.


Major language groups and dialects

The international language of trade known as Common is heavily derived from the Old Radian language. As a language, Old Radian went extinct a few hundred years ago. However, it is still spoken sparsely among nobility and the scholar classes. Today, Common is spoken widely throughout the Radian people. The language is also remarkably uniform in dialect, with only some noticeable regional accents.

Common Dress code

Radian nobility tend toward dressing in whites and blues, which are often accented with yellows or other bright colours. The commoner classes dress more plainly, with loose tunics and pants.   Peasant women often wear white bonnets or small hoods in public and keep medium to long length hair tied back.   Men typically wear their hair short but sometime grow out short locks if they live away from the larger cities. There are no standards to the grooming of facial hair.

Art & Architecture

Being a deeply religious people, Radian art often features solar iconography, though stylistically this can vary. Themes of noble war or heroism are also common given their expansionist nature.   In architecture, Radians are world leaders. Tall beautiful cathedrals featuring buttresses and domes are quite common, often faced with beautiful white marble and painted stone or wood. However, these are reserved for major cities with the funds to produce such ornate structures. In smaller settlements and villages, bare stone and wooden buildings are more common. Few buildings outside the capitals are taller than a a couple of stories, with the exception being castles, churches and noble estates, which are grandiose, even if surrounded by squalor.

Major organizations

The Radians make up the majority of the population of The Radiant Empire.
A Radian Noblewoman
Encompassed species
Related Items
A Radian Nobleman

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