Blood of the Sun Item in Amastris | World Anvil
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Blood of the Sun

It is said that Pelor's holy light heals all wounds, cleanses all evil, and warms all. Never before has this been more true than with the purest form of his essence on all of Amastris.  

The Legend

  It is common myth that the sun is the physical form of Pelor. However, while this is true, it is not the whole truth. In the dawn-lit mists of creation, Pelor made warmth, fire, and light, so that the young earth may grow life. Yet, his constant presence scorched the land, making life harsh and bleak. So, The Morrigana—Lady of Darkness—would seduce Pelor away, leaving her glistening, black raven feather cloak trailing behind, creating cool darkness and starlight. Each morning Pelor, furious at the deception, would chase her away, her fleeting cloak retreating from his rage.   One day, Pelor grew tired of these daily temptations and created a plan so that he would always have dominion over the land, even if The Morrigana deceived him. So, he took his harvest sickle and sliced his own arm, collecting the blood in a gentle bottle. However, in the midst of his pain, he missed some drops which fell to earth, thereby creating the first Radians. With his collected blood, he imbued mighty magics and condensed all fire, rage, love, and divine purity into a small gem. Thus, the Blood of the Sun was made.   He took this precious essence and cast it down to earth, crying out that he would always be present on Amastris and so claimed lordship over all lands. He marvelled at his glorious work, before turning and seeing The Morrigana with a bewitching smile on her face. And he walked away.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Upon acquisition, if the holder is not a human, half-elf or half-orc, the character must make a DC 17 WIS save. On failure, the character instantly suffers 4d10 psychic damage when they acquire the artifact.   Requires Attunement   Once attuned, the Blood of the Sun will begin to melt into the skin of the bearer, fusing itself to the skin and creating intricate tattoos across the body. These tattoos allow the bearer to :  
  • Cast the Light cantrip, Detect Good and Evil at will
  • Cast Cure wounds as a 3rd level spell 3 times per long rest
  • Cast Fireball as a 7th level spell once per day (which recharges at dawn)
In addition, the tattoos glow, producing a dim light for 10ft which cannot be hidden or suppressed. While attuned the bearer can speak, read, and understand Celestial.  

Sol Invictus

If Blood of the Sun is attuned to a follower of Pelor, there is a chance that the Sol Invictus activates. Every time the Blood of the Sun is activated roll a D20. On a natural 20, the overwhelming power of Pelor overtakes the bearer. The bearer becomes an avatar of Pelor and gains the additional traits for 1 minute:  
  • Creatures type changes to Celestial
  • You regain 2d8 hit points at the start of your turn if you have at least l hit point.
  • Ability to cast Sunbeam once
Once the minute has passed, the bearer suffers a level of exhaustion and cannot become an avatar again until they finish a short or long rest.


The Blood of Pelor is considered legendary by most religious scholars. Many believe it is merely allegory for the divine providence of the Radians and their rightful rule over the continent. Only the holiest of the clergy and raving madmen truly believe it is real. If its existence were to become widely known, the implications could change the face of Amastris forever.

In Crystallized Form

Upon Activation

Sol Invictus
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
Current Holder
Related ethnicities
Only one known

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