
Where Mortals Touch the Moon

The capital of Perpetua may be geographically isolated, but all life originated from the center of this sacred city. Modern day Shalie is sprawling, crammed full of leaders of innovation in every field. Towering stone buildings with elaborate facades push the boundaries of architectural engineering. And its narrow, mazelike streets create a navigational challenge that only the savviest residents can master. Shalie is also home to The Sanctuary, and where the god Perpetua walks among mortals.

Industry & Trade

Due to its small size, there is a lack of raw and natural materials on the island. While there are a few farms and many fishing projects, most food is imported from other settlements. In exchange for large quantities of food and raw materials, Shalie exports various consumer and capital goods. This includes clothing, furniture, everyday tools, and large machines, all produced in Shalie's large factories.


The city's crowning infrastructure is its water desalination and purification plants, tied together with robust piping and sewage systems that evolved with the tall and compact design of the buildings. The progress of architectural engineering that allowed for the towering design of structures opened the door for the flourishing of artistic facades to accompany vertical designs. Newer ingenuity has led to the construction of workshops for the mass production of goods. And linking together each part of Shalie is the reliable and quick intracity rail transit system.


Shalie is comprised of seven total districts; one central district with the remaining six wedged around it.   The Midnight District lies at the heart of the city. It is home to The Sanctuary, where both religious and judicial duties are carried out. Most other municipal offices are headquartered in this district as well.   The Dawn District comprises the north east part of Shalie. It is where both personal and industrial fishing is located. And while it boasts many leisure beaches, its also has a seedy reputation.   The Morning District covers the east part of the city. Constantly loud and blanketed in steam, this industrial district is where all manufacturing factories and workshops are located.   The Noon District sprawls through the south east of the city. It is where grocers and restaurants of all sizes, class, and style can be found. Though food is this district's concentration, eateries and grocers exist in other districts in small quantities.   The Evening District makes up the south west of Shalie, and connects all the districts together. The main Rail Tram station is found here, which not only runs the intracity transit, but also the intercity Rail Trams—Shalie's only reliable connection outside the island.   The Dusk District comprises the west segment of the city. It's a quiet district, dedicated to research, schools, and libraries.   The Night District is the north west part of Shalie. Both community services, such as food drives and upcycling centers, and personal services like tailoring, salons, and general shops, are crammed into this district.   There is no one particular district for housing. Instead, homes are spread out, in the levels above businesses and workshops.


The Dawn Walkers, under the care and guidance of Perpetua, established Shalie in Year 1; the first city to exist in the world. The Midnight District still has many of the first buildings erected; The Sanctuary among them. The city grew quickly, and by Year 50 exploration beyond the island began. Though many left the island city, those who stayed continued aggressive innovation, leading to many new technologies and processes, and keeping Shalie the leading city of technology until approximately Year 250. That year marked a shift in philosophy and lifestyle, due to the Waxing, in which a focus on religion took over technology.


Buildings are tall and pressed against one another, which typically only leaves the front face of buildings for architects to play with. Therefore, the general style eminates grandeur, façades that play with dramatic lighting—both natural and artificial—and tower above citizens. Illusory effects that project features such as windows and columns can be found on both the exterior and interior of buildings. Structures are largely made of stone and steel, but are often finished with stucco, or marble if it can be afforded.
Architecture style of Shalie by holyflpncows


The city covers approximately 600 square miles of the island with nothing but the ocean to view on any horizon—assuming one is on a floor high enough to see over all the buildings. The remaining space on the island—approximately 900 square miles—is flat plains, used for growing a small variety of crops, herding sheep, and harvesting ground water.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
City of the Moon
Inhabitant Demonym
Districts of Shalie by holyflpncows
"...which tram do I need?"   "Oh, where are you trying to go?"   "An eatery in the Noon District; Stargrazer"   "Ah, that's easy, and there's a few ways—one that'll even take right to the front door! You can take the 6 on rail B at 2:15 and then transfer to the 1 on rail A that leaves at 3:00. Or you could hop on the 4 on rail A, then the 2 on rail C, and one more quick transfer—"   "Nevermind. I'll just walk."

Cover image: by holyflpncows


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