22.0 - Rites Report Report in Amalgama | World Anvil

22.0 - Rites Report

General Summary

Preserver, here is the rest of Altruist Corvis's statement.
  Preserver,   While we were not disturbed for the first night, the sense of unwelcome was... intense. That unease almost escalated into violence when in the morning a priestess stormed into the tent we were assigned, furious. Her name is Viridia, and she claimed to be a priestess of Ånd, which I have learned is not just the name of the ancient ruins in the swamp, but, well, not ruins at all. A creature, a huge, winged monster covered in black scales and reeking of death, yet also the aroma of... a newborn, the sunlight streaming down and warming the grass and stone path, of, well, life. Anyway, this centaur with black braided hair points an accusing finger—nails painted black on that hand, white on the other— demands to see Holg's chest. He relents to her request, and the black mark or scar or whatever new on his chest matches the symbol on Priestess Viridia's black toga-like wrap, her symbol embroidered in white. I assume, Preserver, you are familiar with this symbol, and perhaps the relation it has to these people, but I was not, and am not, so I can't mull on what further meaning it has besides representing that terrifying beast awoken in the swamp.   Priestess Viridia pokes and prods Holg's symbol for a few seconds before she pulls back and blinks in surprise. Her lips purse, upset apparently that it wasn't her that was chosen for the honor of Ånd's mark, even though she dedicated her life, like her mother and grandfather before her. Despite a "foreigner" getting this "blessing" and her general contempt, she remains respectful to at least Holg. I apologize for the quotes, but I am so unfamiliar with the culture of Reulheyde inhabitants; I've never found much about them in any library I've yet visited.   The priestess leaves, and while Holg and Kallista leave the tent, the others stay inside and work on very strange things. The very quirky elf man pulls a cauldron out of his magical bag, with various other supplies but more importantly a scale—a scale that reminds me of the large black ones on the beast but teal in color. He begins messing with all this stuff while Atani and Kilith sit and... meditate with their strange orbs. I should note that these orbs, while they do look different from the one Holg carried and used to wake the monster, are very similar to Holg's orb. Preserver, I should have opened this report with this information about the other orbs, as it is why I fled in the night to give you this information. I fear these orbs and these people are going to unleash more monsters into the World.1   Although after I penned that part, your... employee, Syl, is just now letting me know they have forwarded my first report to you already, so you already know about the beast and the orbs. My apologies, Preserver. I will continue on with other information about this dangerous group of people. Well, the ones with orbs, not the barbarians of the Ruelheydes.   I did not stay in the tent for long, and instead followed the half-man, Holg. He went around seemingly trying to ease the tension the camp had towards us by participating in their rituals. Some involved healing, which was made harder by the fact that suddenly none of the residents here could use their normal healing magic. Even when Kilith, who did hold some healing magic, emerged from his meditation he tried to help, but his healing also would not work. Yet Holg could heal, which he had not been able to before the waking of the beast, Ånd. Many more of their rituals involved the acceptance of death. Most of the people in the tents—liminal tents they're called—were actually there to be granted a peaceful death. In one of these tents, there was a man that look somewhat like Holg. Strangely tinted skin, large tusk-like bottom teeth, and so on. He spoke in a language that only Holg understood, gave Holg a small shaped piece of metal, and then... died. Holg apparently recognized the man, and once he did the passing rites for the man, he hurried back to our tent.   Holg gave Sil'Ferrous the small piece of metal, and also a ticking device from his pocket. They got to work while Sil'Ferrous's cauldron bubbled. I kept eyes on the others, but they didn't seem to be up to anything. After a couple hours, Holg and Sil'Ferrous's work was done; the strange device still ticked but one of the small metal arms was now slowly pivoting around the edge of the glass circle. I don't know what this device does, but it might be just as dangerous as the orbs.   I slept a few hours before sneaking off the in the night. I needed to get this information reported soon. On my way to Liv, I passed an Abolition Squad heading to what I can only assume was Sluttheyde. I did not hail them because I did not want to hold either of us up. But for them to already be on the way from Liv and no reason to be on land except to reach Sluttheyde... I don't think their orders were given from the Enforcers, Preserver.2   One last thing Preserver. I had the strangest sense that I'd been at Sluttheyde before. Especially when I stood between the hills looking back towards the swamp. I could pick up the smell of death, a sense of desperation, and yet also Atani felt familiar here with me, like we shared a joke about this place before. And Lycoos seemed so familiar. Perhaps I am too shaken from recent events. Or perhaps this place has more significance than we've ever given it before. I don't know.3   —Altruist and Wind Parr Corvis  
Lengthy, I know, but I also know that's how you like it. I figured with Corvis's last remarks, I will go ahead and begin escorting him to Sun's Reach to join the Dream Research project there. Reach me for another job soon. Please. I don't know how long I will last with this guy. His jokes aren't funny and he tells so many of them.
[2]No, no, this squad must have been sent directly by orders of the Servitor. The Shield completely diregarded Corvis's report, so he had no knowledge that this group of people is being hunted. The Servitor is trying to keep this whole thing under wraps. He knows. He knows what they carry and he knows what's going to happen.
[3]Glad Syl recommends it in this report. I think Altruist Corvis has had a "dream" experience and should participate in the research. But more interestingly, it seems he is recalling the events of the odd report I asked Junaer to dig up for me involving Oroos. I don't have the time to theorize over the possibility of Corvis actually having been there in Year 162, or if that dream subconciously called to him to return to Sluttheyde, or anything else. But I am very keen to learn about the results of the research.
  • Atani
  • Corvis
  • Holg
  • Kallista
  • Kilith
  • Sil'Ferrous
Report Date
11 Jun 2021
Primary Location
Related Plots
Flora Cycle Day 27
[1]Yes. With what happened to the "ruins" of the swamp, I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the Riners were also the remains of some towering beasts. And these orbs the key. I still haven't received news from Grewl Pass or Klarhavon, which means something drastic has happened.

Cover image: by holyflpncows


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