Cymel Province Organization in Alzabaar | World Anvil
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Cymel Province

Core of the Empire and most populous province, owing to the capital city, Cymel City, at the heart.   Several towns and cities act as suburbs to the large metropolis at the center.   The city is the focal point here. The biggest metropolis in the empire by a large margin. At least twice as big as the biggest (capital) cities of the other 4 provinces.         Ideas Night city influence -clever usage of underground or expanseful warehouses as dungeons -multi-tiered buildings as dungeons -mysteries as quests often -littered with pockets of individuals vying for power and control -any and every big city plot, adventure, idea can be found here -any level of magic item (within reason and for the right price can be located, given time)
Geopolitical, Province
Leader Title
Parent Organization


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