The Legend of Pierre Basile Myth in Alvez | World Anvil
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The Legend of Pierre Basile

May you have the luck of Pierre Basile - Akitanian curse.   The story of Pierre Basile, killer of the great warrior-king Richarzh "Kalon Leon" IV, is often referenced as an example of the capriciousness of fortune by the people of Bedouar.


A young knight cursed with luck after falling into the favour of a sidhe of the Summer Court, Pierre's life was defined by massive shifts of fortune. Born to the peasant family of a woodcutter, Pierre was gifted an Ere-hud of "Great Fortune" at his birth. All was well until a break in a dam wiped out his entire village, leaving only the baby Pierre, who had been left inside the church by a negligent sibling. The Count of Limosin arrived with his host to survey the damage and was amazed to find the baby. Declaring it a miracle, the baby was adopted by the Lord of Montbrun and became a noble. During his training as a knight, Pierre was blessed with great luck, with winds shifting to make his arrows strike true as he fired, or finding small windfalls of golden livres in his path. In equal measure, bowstrings would snap and holes would appear in his coinpurse. Pierre's string of fortune and misfortune ended with the Siege of Kastell-Chalus, when Richarzh "Kalon Leon" IV, King of Logres, and Duke of Normandi and Akitania sought to quell the rebellion of Limosin. Richarz killed Lord de Montbrun and Pierre's eldest brother, making Pierre the new lord. Pierre was placed in charge of the Kastell-Chalus, a significant improvement to his social status. The castle was virtually undefended, but strategically unimportant, giving Pierre the status of a Castellan without the risk of warfare. This changed with the discovery of a massive trove of Remusan gold hidden within its towers. This caught the attention of Richarzh who turned northwards to beseige the castle. With strong walls, but virtually no garrison, Richarzh dispatched sappers to undermine the walls without much care, firing volleys at the few defenders within. Pierre, stuck on the ramparts, was forced to beat away the arrows with a frying pan, with great success. This caught the attention and admiration of Richarzh, who drew nearer to watch the display. Suddenly, a crossbow bolt was deflected from the tower, back towards the ground, striking the great warrior King in his shoulder. The wound quickly became infected and the siege was ended in earnest, as a renewed interest in taking the castle made short work of the few defenders. Pierre was brought before the King, who, discovering that his killer was a boy and that Richarzh had killed his adoptive father and brother, forgave Pierre and gave him a gift of 100 silver Sol as a bounty. Pierre, amazed he was being spared walked out of the tent and was grabbed by King's lieutenant, the Tolosan Mercadier and imprisoned without Richarzh'z. When the King died, Pierre was flayed alive and hung.

Historical Basis

Pierre Basile was a historical figure, executed by Akitania in 897 SI, noted for bringing the reign of King of Logres and Duke of Normandi and Akitania, Richarzh "Kalon Leon" IV.


The story is popular throughout the Western Realms, especially Akitania, Logres and Gallia, inspiring morality plays, epic poems, and dirty rhymes.

Variations & Mutation

Each telling of the story involves great variations on the fortunes of Pierre Basile, but generally all include the final fateful encounter with the Kind.

Cultural Reception

Akitania and Logres view the story as a warning against trusting too much in fortune and the Sidhe, while in Breizh and Anjev, it is seen instead as a warning on trusting the word of a King, with the emphasis changing between the swings of fortune and the broken word of Richarzh by his subordinate.
Date of First Recording
937 SI
Date of Setting
897 SI


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