The Basics in Alvez | World Anvil
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The Basics

Language   The worlds of Kroashent are inspired by the history and culture of Brittany and France, as well as the individual regions of France and its nearby neighbors. As such, Kroashent has a rich linguistic tapestry across its cultures. The primary languages are Brezhoneg (Based on the Breton language) and Gallian (Based on Middle French). Gallian is seen as the language of the nobility, even in Breizh and is becoming the primary language in many regions. However, this is a recent development as the Gallian crown tries to extend its influence to other regions with their own cultures and semi-autonomous authority. As such, Gallian has not become the centralized language in the Western Realms that French has in our world. Brezhoneg (Breizh) and the Oc Languages (Akitania) are two strong linguistic holdouts widely spoken in their respective regions, while others like Norman (Normandi) are closer to strong dialects. Additionally, other languages from outside of contemporary French influence are spoken, but to a lesser extent where most of the setting takes place, such as Icelandic (Fjallkonan), Alsation (Arle) and Arabic (Ubar). For the most part, its safe to assume a character is speaking in Brezhoneg or Gallian in the story.   Magic and Technology   Metaphysics: Kroashent is a world full of magic, practiced in two major forms. More traditional spellcasting is made up of traditions called "Arkane", spellcasting schools capable of warping unstable reality to produce magical effects. You can read about the most prominent Arkane here: , but other variants, such as the Rauðskinna used by the Witch-Trinities of FJallkonan, exist. The other "magical" tradition is alchemy, which has developed far beyond current physical constraints to a form of magitek. Populated areas of Alvez have a noteable "Clockpunk" feel of airships (Windships), automata (Brassgaurd) and bottled lightning (Rods of Taranis), among others. While much of the setting is inspired by 14th century society, the technology and culture is in the midst of something of a magical-industrial revolution, especially in the cities of both the Bediz (humans) and various Fae peoples.   Geography   Kroashent is a setting of many realities that have merged into one "multiverse" of sorts, known as Alvez. The most prominent are the earthly realm, Bedouar and the magikal realm, Faerie. These were once entirely seperated by a metaphysical concept called *the Veil*, but a cataclysmic event called *the Tear* caused the two realities to collide and intermingle, most notably during periods and locations both called *Bleed* where the rules of both realities are heavily experienced, warping the worlds around it. There is also theorized a liminal non-reality between the realms, as well as realities existing beyond Bedouar and Faerie. These are both considered unstable, entities from the latter quickly corrupted and subsumed into the reality it finds itself in.   Biology   Alvez is populated by a myriad of flora and fauna, including several sapient species. *Bediz *are denizens of Bedouar, the mortal realm, although the term is used more often to describe the human population of such. The *Fae *describes the various people of Faerie, although some may be from realities that collided with the realm forgotten eons ago. These include the *Tuatha de Danaan* (AKA the *Sidhe*, generally human sized and shaped magical creatures), the *Korrigan *(AKA the *Re Vihan*, a diverse group of what are considered "lesser fae", often, but not always smaller in size) and the *Formorian* (ork and troll like creatures from dark lands to the North), as well as dozens of others, such as dragons, merfolk and other creatures. Kontamment, creatures of either the Bediz or Fae who have been "corrupted" by the other reality make up the third "People" of Alvez, but generally are considered one or the other from a cultural standpoint.


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