Ninefold Spell Spell in Alvez | World Anvil
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Ninefold Spell


The Ninefold Spell is a common Hedge Magic ritual that is used to protect a bearer against ere-hud set against them. This is accomplished by diffusing the fis of the bearer, diffusing the effect of the spell. While it does not completely prevent a magical effect in all cases, it effectively dispels all but the most potent and directed magic, diffusing the power of spell and mitigating the reality warping effects greatly.
Material Components
The Ninefold Spell requires the following items to take effect:
  • 1 Silver Sous (Coin)
  • 9 Grains of Salt
  • Small stems from 9 specific plants
  • A small linen pouch and thread to seal it.
  • Gestures & Ritual
    The ritual begins with an invocation of the respective diety and a related prayer, spoken thrice in the same breath.   The stems from three of the plants are place crosswise on top of the silver within a the open linen pouch. Another three invocations are made, followed by the second three of stems, followed by a final round of invocations and the final three stems.   The nine grains of salt are sprinkled on top. The pouch is sewn tight with a linen thread and stitched into clothing or hung on a string.
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