Perkerch Species in Alvarica | World Anvil


Perkerch are a species of large arachnoid, popularly domesticated on western Alvarica for the rich golden silk they produce. Perkerch fabric is one of the most expensive textiles in the world, valued for its exquisite colour, softness, flexibility and strength. The species is natively found in the Ashar Delta, where it is native to the riverbanks of the many waterways.   Extremely docile, and domesticated relatively affectionate, Perkerch have been popular with humans since around 400 HF. They are traditionally kept within large herds in their native habitat, and their silk is harvested from nests constructed by them, adding to its rarity and value.

Basic Information


Perkerch resemble an extremely large spider, roughly the size of a sheep. They possess 8 legs, a cephalothorax including the thorax and head, and an abdomen of prodigious size, which occupies the majority of their bulk. They are covered in a fine golden hair/down.

Ecology and Habitats

The species is primarily found in the river delta of Ashar; they occupy the densely overgrown banks of the rivers there. Perkerch are very social and form large colonies that claim large stretches of river as territory. They regularly string rivers with their webs to net fish, and construct elaborate tunnels through reed fields.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Perkerch primarily feed on fish, which they capture using web nets. They will also eat birds, reptiles and other small animals if possible, but are almost entirely pscivores.


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