The Mistwalker in Alturis | World Anvil
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The Mistwalker

The Mistwalker ship is a black vessel that looks luxurious, expensive and almost brand new. It has a varnished wooden frame and is sleek (designed for speed on the sea).   Notably, Lyren Killian gained the ship in Umalla though expressed he had a hard time coming into possession of it.   It's facilities seem extensive and it notably has a storage level that doubles as a kitchenette for the ships cook to use... it's storage is hyper filled up and prepared for a long journey.   It also possesses an abundance of room for bunks on the ship and a captain's quarters that Lyren uses to plan the trip and spend time with Olond.   The Mistwalker was destroyed in battle in the midst of the sea of chaos. The only known survivors currently are Lyren Killian and most of the party known as Persicorum.


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