Oar's Rest Settlement in Alturis | World Anvil
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Oar's Rest

Now I can only hope that your stay here isn't some kind of drama... we are a simple folk around here and don't like any kind of violence or drama and if you're not here to rest or see the local ruins then we can only hope you move on without causing a stir...
  • A local halfling member of the Oar's Rest neighbourhood watch.
Oars rest isn't what one would call 'dangerous' the space is a small fishing village that just happens to be on the coast of the Umala seas. It has a relatively small crownsguard presence and prides itself on simplicity and the small joys in life. Many within the town become adventurers from a young age and choose to settle down here when they have seen enough of the world.


Variety of travellers passing through but the locals are mostly halfling.


Ran by a neighbourhood watch who report to Gwynithar Daybloom, their burgomaster and former survivor of the assault on the bastion. He is also a heavy source of income to the city as his alchemy shop recipes have since been sold to major city's for a profit.


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