Wisp Species in Altûŕ | World Anvil
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The Ethereal Seraphim

The Wisps are genderless Seraphim, the first iteration of the Valdu, which is asexual. As an obscure member of the Seraphim species, they were few during The First War, since then their numbers haven't changed much.   The Wisps have been known to be very vulnerable to the Taint, often changing wildly if they do not properly manage their magic use.

Basic Information


They have semi-corporeal forms consisting of what can be best described as energised mist or faint fire. Often they will change from their largely formless orblike shape to a mimicry of an anthropomorphic form when interacting with other races.

Genetics and Reproduction

Wisps reproduce asexually, splitting into two Wisps. This is typically only done when another Wisp dies, effectively keeping their population at a constant.

Growth Rate & Stages

There are few noticeable stages to the maturing of a Wisp, younger ones are typically smaller, but they quickly grow to a normal size.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Wisps are completely capable of surviving off of just meat, during the first war they were often sustained by the enemies they killed and the raw power that permeated the battlefield; however, since then they have learnt to draw nutrients from just about any source.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While they have no distinguishable physical sensory organs, their primary senses are on par with most mortal races, with the addition of having 360 vision and the mental link shared by all Seraphim.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Wisps' names come from a simplified version of the Theoi language; however, since it's not a language they actively speak, their names are less complex than that of the Theoi, often being one word.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

  • Menaluc
  • Altûŕic


The Wisps were Vol'Ðíos' first attempt at creating a Valdu that can breed, an important factor since the mortals needed to be able to replenish its ranks during the war. During his experimenting, he tried to create a species that can duplicate itself, while the results were promising, they ultimately took what they learnt and applied it to the creation of the Soter and Valkyrie. At the start of the new era, they and their kin left, seeking themselves a home and eventually ending up in Thule. Since then many have returned to Domus and settled a colony in the northwestern reaches of Kvenland by the nations of man.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Wisps have little aversion towards the other mortal races and are often open to creating relations with them; however, they are often distrusted by others due to their ethereal appearance.
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
While it's hard to comment on a being without much of a physical form, they do have a fairly lively colour and glow to them.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Wisps can vary greatly in colour; however, they also consist of a bright glow which gives them a very light appearance.
Related Ethnicities

Racial Group


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