Valkyrie Species in Altûŕ | World Anvil
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The Female Seraphim

The Valkyrie are female Seraphim, part of the second iteration of the Valdu and the female counterparts to the Soter. While they were many during The First War their numbers have since dwindled from breeding with the dominant Sídhe.

Basic Information


They are anthropomorphic, with two arms, two legs and an endoskeleton. Their skin appears almost stonelike with the epidermis and muscles forming soft but geometric features, giving the Valkyrie a chiselled appearance. They are almost completely hairless and have a soft glow that emanates from within their body, most prevalent around their eyes, mouths, hair, and along grooved markings that cover their bodies.

Genetics and Reproduction

They reproduce as most mammals do; although since they are all females they need to breed with the Soter or Sídhe. When breeding with a Soter the child can either be a Soter or Valkyrie. However, due to the Sídhe's genes being dominant among the Seraphim, breeding with them always results in Sídhe offspring, which is why the Valkyrie's numbers have dwindled.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Valkyrie have an incredibly fast early life cycle. They reach adolescence within five to six years and adulthood within ten to twelve. This is due to them being created for the purpose of war. Their old age is considered to be around the 800-year mark, at which point their skin turns more porous and they slowly discolour to splotchy black.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Valkyrie are completely capable of surviving off of just meat, during the first war they were often sustained by the enemies they killed and the raw power that permeated the battlefield; however, since then they have had to utilise their omnivorous biology, resorting to hunting and farming.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

They have human features with a strong angular appearance and high cheekbones. Their eyes are white or light grey, and they have elegant projected patterns on their foreheads that end along their hairline.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their primary senses are on par with most mortal races, with the addition of the mental link shared by all Seraphim.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Valkyrie's names come from a simplified version of the Theoi language; however, since it's not a language they actively speak, their names are less complex than that of the Theoi, often being one word.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

  • Menaluc
  • Altûŕic


The Valkyrie were one of Vol'Ðíos, Fossaŕ and the Menaðíos' second attempts at creating a Valdu that can breed (paired with the male Soter), an important factor since the mortals needed to be able to replenish its ranks during the war. However, they were created near the end of the First War and with the other Valdu had a noticeable hand in aiding with the war's ultimate conclusion. At the start of the new era, they and their kin left seeking themselves a home, eventually ending up in Thule. Since then many have returned to Domus and settled a colony in the northwestern reaches of Kvenland by the nations of man.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Valkyrie have little aversion towards the other mortal races and are often open to creating relations with them.
Average Height
1.75 - 1.85m
Average Weight
70 - 85kg
Average Physique
They typically have well-defined physiques with little fat deposits.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin is usually pale, ranging from light grey to dull blues, they also have defined patterns along their faces and bodies, which can either be white or black.
Related Ethnicities

Racial Group


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