Orath Character in Altûŕ | World Anvil
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Consul Orath

Orath was a tireless bounty hunter and one of few Makhai who was able to make a successful living on Domus outside of Moyesh. Overtime he become increasingly aware of his peoples lack of presence throughout the rest of Domus. Eventually he returned to Phařuss where he was born, disatisfied with the ruling Consul of the time he challenged him and ultimately claimed the title for himself.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Orath stands strong and healthy despite his numerous wounds and injuries from fighting. And, even though he is well over 300 years old, he is still young.

Body Features

He has pale purple skin over a lean and powerful physique, disturbed by many scars.

Facial Features

He has the typical hard and sharp features of his people, with an especially strong and protruding chin.

Identifying Characteristics

He has a scar travelling down from the outside of his left cheek and crosses over the left side of his lips.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Orath was born in Phařuss the capital of Gadbiel, to a Charun mother and Deimos father. While much of his childhood and adolescence is unknown, it is known that he grew up without his father, which isn't uncommon among Makhai. Uninterested with the prospects life had if he stayed in Gadbiel, he left to the east, to the orcs, with whom the Makhai had at least some form of a relationship with. As he travelled through Moyesh he was introduced to the business of bounty hunting, an occupation that tended to give less desirable individuals the freedom to travel Domus without as much persecution as that would receive otherwise.   After many years of bounty hunting, Orath had found himself in Kvenland, and while he would continue to travel for many more years, it was in Kvenland that he realised just how absent his people were. While most cities were overwhelmingly human, it was possible to see all kinds of different mortal races within capitals and cities with trading ports; however, looking back he realised he had seen very few of his kind. Most other Makhai he had seen during his travels had been lurking in slums or lived far in the outskirts of cities away from the rest of civilization.   Eventually, he once again found himself back in Phařuss, after almost 300 years he had seen more of Domus than just about any other Makhai. As he stepped through the gates he was met with a quiet, decrepit city, he turned his attention to the council tower, the meeting place of the Consul and the Gadbiel Council. Without pausing he made his way to the tower, barging through the doors into the meeting room only to find a room filled with gluttonous, pampered politicians. In a fit of rage, Orath challenged the Consul; however, the council stepped in claiming only a member of the Gadbiel council can challenge the Consul for his title. Unphased by the retort of the council, Orath marched on, towards the Consul with his weapon raised uttering the words "Arǰen dukūl" (might make right). In the end, he stood victorious, with not only the Consul dead at his feet but over half of the council, who stood in his way.


The Makhai tend not to believe in formal education, rather relying on their long life spans to gain knowledge through experience; however, Orath did take the effort to study and research within various libraries during his travels, when and if he was able to.


Prior to gaining the title of Consul and his time as a bounty hunter, Orath was briefly a Phařuss guard. During the 3 centuries as a bounty hunter, he also undertook a variety of other jobs, including working as a bodyguard for an orc mage.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Gadbiel Consul
Year of Birth
23073 AM 368 Years old
Current Residence
Light orange
Stark black, long and balding in the front and top.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light blue
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Altûŕic
  • Křalug
  • Arach
  • Otfan

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