The Godsea Geographic Location in Althea - Age of Adventure | World Anvil
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The Godsea

The weather and currents in the Godsea (another name for this ocean) are strange. All four seasons of weather happen concurrently in this sea, one island may be dwelling in the sweltering heat of summer while the next closest land could be suffering from a harsh winter. The Grand Ocean currents can carry the weather from one region to another and skip some islands altogether on the way while another current may bring different weather to that island.
There are however, some unique island groups where they have a unique weather cycle where year after year they have a relatively similar processions of the seasons but each region has one season that dominate the other three. There are the Spring Islands, the Summer Isles, the Autumn Islands and the Winter Isles. Each island group is dominated by their namesake season but they experience the weather in some form or another of all four. A spring island may have some light snows and frosts during the winter and some trees and animals may hibernate during the fall, and they will have a relatively cool summer with some hot periods but for the most part the weather is that of springtime with its storms and sunny days. Winter Islands will have snow year round save for the summer where the snow may melt for a month or so before a light snow until the fall comes and the frost returns with a vengeance. Each of these regions has vastly different flora and fauna due to their unique weather. The lands that do not fall into those four regions are subject to random weather every week; this has also forged hardy new flora and fauna that have adapted to such random weather.
As mentioned before, the currents that flow throughout the Grand Ocean are highly unpredictable. There are however several currents that seem to stay flowing in a constant direction. They all appear to branch off from the current that takes sailors from Elestia to the Grand Ocean. Each current travels in a more or less direct route in a crisscross journey that pass by the larger islands in the Godsea and when they reach as far west as they can go they veer around and flow back in another roundabout trip that eventually ends in the western reaches of the Sea of Giants where all the currents rejoin and flow across the Eternal Calm back to Elestia. Something interesting to note is that the return to Elestia is very dangerous. At some point, a thick fog sets in and the sky goes dark and from the darkness the terrible screams of those banished to the Seven Blazes is heard all around. Then a great light appears and if you are lucky, you escape the dead and come out of the fog in the North Sea of Elestia.
Alternative Name(s)
The Gods' Playground, Grand Ocean, The Endless Ocean


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