Arvandor Geographic Location in Althaneas | World Anvil


The darkness of the forests is offset by the brightness of the meadows in Arvandor. They are characterized either by their perennial flowers or by the blue blossoms that grew above the snow during spring.

The otherworldly beauty and passion of Arvandor can be overwhelming to non-elves. Those that cannot resist it are overtaken by an irresistible desire to dance and commune with the elves, and must be guided away, otherwise risking becoming lost forever. Not even half-elves are immune to this effect.

Each one of the elven patron deities maintain a realm on this plane. None of these realms have a border and each one seamlessly melds into the other with absolutely no discernible borders apparent. While each deity claims a portion of the realm, the majority is shared by the entire pantheon and with the celestial eladrin.

Arvandor is also the destination of the souls of the elven dead, although sometimes it is called by a distinct name of Arvanaith.


Arvandor is a vast, infinite expanse of pristine wilderness covered in lush forests, massive mountains, perfectly clear streams, placid lakes, and an ocean called the Sparkling Sea. The realm stretches from the boundless mass of the Sparkling Sea to a range of snow-capped mountains. 

The deep woods of Arvandor possess an unearthly beauty, which not only exemplify its home plane of Arborea, but also influenced it, as the long-term presence of elves in the plane have also somewhat changed it. The realm is full of secrets and mysteries that are known only to the elven deities.

The thick canopy of the forests is divided in layers in many locations: an upper layer of sun-loving trees and a lower layer of shade-favoring vegetation. In some of the thicker forest areas, the undergrowth is nearly impenetrable, due to a combination of dense foliage and the trunks of dead trees. Those areas are dangerous and generally avoided by elves.
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