Karna Settlement in Alterra | World Anvil
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Karna is a medium sized walled city on edge of the Northern Grand Campo. It is the only Ayorhah city in the continent and in the last decades become an important trade city exporting good large lumber to cities to the east.  
City of Karna


34% Human   36% Lizardfolk   12% Orc   12% goblinoids   2% Tabaxi   4% other   75% of the Lizardfolk are Culturally Soki, 22% of the humans are culturally Soki. The other races are all Ayorhah.


Monarchy with a house of lords. The monarch is a Princess, the royal family are duchesses, the other minor lords are baronesses. Matriarchal line of succession for all nobility.


City has 250 town guard but can conscript and arm 3000 fighters. They have a good supply magazine located in three locations. This city was taken by force of arms and they can only keep it the same way. The city of Karna has 3 Xebec frigates with 20 guns each to defend the city. They are good for the area near the mouth of the river, and the bay to the north, but are too unwieldy for down river. In addition to conscripts there is a treasury set aside for mercenaries should the need arise.

Industry & Trade

Karna's main exports are timber and grains. Outside the city are the timber harvesting and sawmills using smaller streams and rivers to power them. In the city the processing of leather, woodworking, butchering can be found in the lower districts.


Karna has minimal infrastructure, there is a partial sewer system. the oldest portion is closed off. There is a system of wells and cisterns for domestic water.   The city has most major trades such as tanneries, fisheries, some shipwrights, smithies, and other guilds. The city has a newer wall in great condition sloped and thick to deflect cannon shot.


New District
The new district contain all of the noble families descended from the conquerors of the city. This area used to be the open plaza typical of Soki city design. Situated at the center is the main castle and palace of the monarchy. Surrounding the castle are blocks of newer fortified homes built in blocks. A fountain for public water can be found here and a statue of the Warlord Varna. Surrounding this district are a mix of homes and businesses some are older original homes belonging to the original Soki who chose to remain in the city and changed allegiances. The rest are newer homes of families who have immigrated from other Ayorhah cities to make their fortunes in a new city. Surrounding these blocks is the main city wall. On the eastern side is the main gatehouse and garrison of the city defenders. on the west side is a smaller gatehouse that gives access to the lower districts.  
Lower Districts
This are mostly the original inhabitants and poorer newcomers. There is a fortress on the northwest edge that hosts the main cannon batteries to defend the port. The main port can handle the largest ships and has a defensive wall along the southwest edge and a tower surveying the river beyond.


The main wall is new and in good condition and has locations for cannon emplacements at the towers, but most of the firepower is located at the harbor fort. The harbor is easy to access from the city and the city boasts shipwrights and a deep harbor. Surrounding

Guilds and Factions

The most powerful guilds are the shipwrights, carpenters, and masons followed by the fighters guild and then the few philosophical halls in town.


originally a simple city of 9000 inhabitants under Soki rule it's rapid transformation by the Ayorhah into city of note has been noted by others in the region. The city was traded several times over it's 865 year history by various Soki princes, but only recently has it been conquered by outsiders. From the first years of the occupation they were intent on rebuilding the city to be like an Ayorhah city replete with castles and palaces. Having captured the sizeable treasury of the city they invested in industries that could supply their needs being so far from other major cities.

Points of interest

Noospheric Hall hosts a university that can teach 50 students.  Karna has been focused for the last few generations on defenses and putting their mark on the city, it is one of the newer cities.


mixture of the simpler haciendas of the Soki and some poor adaptations of Ayorhah styles more suited for the drier climes to the east.


Karna is situated on a 70' tall hill that has a steep slope on the east. The north and south slopes lead to streams that empty into the river. the western slope is more gradual. Karna is surrounded by farms and plantations owned by a mixture of older families and nobles who took them as spoils of war.

Natural Resources

The Macihitli River at the point where Karna is situated is about 1200' wide and and average of 24' deep. This river flows slowly and is warm so it hosts a fertile fishing zone. Surrounding Karna are alluvial topsoil plains that support intensive farming and to the east ranch lands for goats, cattle and other domesticated herd animals. Across the river and south of Lake Alizitl there is sustained forestry activity, logs are often floated on the lake and processed at sawmills on the east side then dried and taken to Karna for processing or export. Dozens of small villages surround Karna an pay tribute for protection. this is paid in food stuffs, animals or in some limited cases actual gold. These villages also provide local knowledge of medicinal plants and other useful resources in the area.
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
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