Alterna I: The Lands of Paradise in Alterna I: The Lands of Paradise | World Anvil
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Alterna I: The Lands of Paradise

Written by Neons-Mindrealm

Long ago, back in ancient times, my kin were able to live together in harmony, with the mortal race of Humankind.
Learning from each other, and balancing out our flaws, we not only formed an alliance, built on mutual benefits, but also developed an eternal friendship, nobody thought could ever be broken.   Whilst we showed them how to channel the arcane breath of the Spirits through their evanescent forms, they taught us how to build everlasting structures, and forge relentless weapons. Which were not only capable of withstanding the cataclysmic force of an Eremite Titan, or piercing through the diamond scales of the Ancient Dragons, but also able to gather arcane energy within their cores.
To give us the deciding advantage, in the Throne War of Origin Race.   A war which traced back over millennia, serving no purpose other than to dominate those who stand beneath one another.
And to kill all, who refused to obey the strong.   Despite our close connection to the Spirits, and our unmatched talent to channel their arcane breath, we were not one of those races, able to dominate the other.
As my kin did not possess the agility to evade the furious attacks of the wind blessed races in combat, nor the knowledge to craft sturdy enough armor, to withstand the fatal blows of a brute-forced being.
But with the aid of Humankind, fighting along our side, and forging us armor, imbued with arcanic energy to enhance our bodies, all of those flaws were soon enough eradicated.
As we erected the impenetrable and marvelous spire city, Sovera, to ultimately claim the world throne of Narcana.
And end this senseless bloodbath for power once and for all.   Centuries later, though, long after our original allies from the war had died due to their limited lifespans, a shadow began to creep through the depths of our beautiful city of marble. Corrupting not only those whose minds were weak, but also the ones of human arch bishops, whose dedication to the Old Faith was just as strong as Sovera's walls itself.
Yet still not enough, to withstand the dark energy, that came with the discovery of an ancient tome, we all thought had long been destroyed, back in the days when the Spirits still formed the lands.   At first, my kin didn't suspect a thing, continuing their lives as normal, and attending the weekly ceremonies of the Old Faith.
Until two of my most skilled Valkyries decided to investigate a case of mysterious disappearances of elven townsfolk.
Which led them straight into the radiant halls of Sovera's sacred cathedral.
Where they became witness to a terrifying revelation.   Standing on the stone altar, right at the end of the giant halls, they saw a young elven girl, dressed in nothing but a white robe, and surrounded by human priests of the Old Faith.
Whilst turned away from her, facing a crowd of dedicated believers, was an arch bishop. Who preached about the ascension of my kind, and how our connection to the Spirits would soon serve as the key, to becoming one with the great one itself.   Followed by his sermon, he turned around to the young girl as well, ordering the priests to begin with their ritual, and leading them to forcefully channel arcane energy into the girl's body.
Which quickly morphed her calm expression, into a grimace of agonizing pain.   Giving her best to endure the torture, she clenched her teeth together with a strength that almost caused them to shatter. While every vein in her body, now overflowing with the Spirits' energy, began to burn in a bright blue light. As a pair of bloodied wings suddenly bursted out of her back's flesh, breaking her composure, and filling these sacred halls with a radiating dark light, and the blood-curdling death screams of the young elven girl.   Horrified by these events, the two Valkyries immediately rushed towards the altar in an attempt to save her, but were then paralyzed with fear, as they only saw a now emptied out and burned up husk standing in her place.
While the many eyes surrounding them, widened in a terrifying manner, and locked onto their new sacrifices with greed.   Slowly starting to grow worry about their long absence, I wanted to head to the cathedral myself, but couldn't even leave the throne room. As an arch bishop, accompanied by two masked figures, suddenly blocked my exit, with their unexpected visit.   At first, they greeted me formal, and even bowed down to the elven crown.
But then quickly changed their intentions, as the bishop started to preach to me in an ominous voice, saying that the time has now finally come, for the Elves to unlock the forgotten gates of divinity.   Unsure of what he meant at first, I simply froze in place, as his companions drew their weapons, and slowly began to close in on me.
Whilst the bishop remained on his knees, smiling up at me with a sinister look.
Before the swishing sound of sharp steel, cutting the air, echoed through the throne room.
And revealed my brother, who came just in time to save me.   Panicked by what was currently happening, he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the palace, telling me that Sovera wasn't a save place anymore, and that the Humans were no longer our allies.
Which at first I couldn't believe, but was then unable to deny, as we ran through the once marvelous streets of our home.
Only to witness a display of sacrificial bloodshed and destruction, brought upon us by the numerous hands of those we once called our friends.   Until eventually, we reached one of the landing platforms, on which a cluster of civilians and Valkyries were already waiting for us, preparing to evacuate all who managed to flee the grasps of the fanatic believers.
But just weren't fast enough for my brother, as he simply threw me onto the platform, before then hectically spreading out his own massive wings, and circling around us all. To create an arcanic ring, and instantly transport us to a far away place, out in the wilds of Narcana.   Now seemingly stranded in a vast expanse of open plains in the Evergreen Veldt, with nothing but rolling hills and wild grasses as far as the eye could see, we thought to have arrived at a safe haven. And immediately started tending to the wounds of those who had fallen victim to this gruesome betrayal.
But just before we could finish up treating the last of us, my brother spotted a fleet of Gustscales, menacingly approaching on the far horizon.   Realizing that they had to have come from Sovera, he began to rally up the remaining Valkyries at once, to prepare for an upcoming battle. Knowing that if they would even pursue us out here, they would likely not stop until every last one of our kind was sacrificed.
And that, in the end, only one of our two races, would ultimately be left to roam the lands of Narcana alive.   Horrified, by simply considering going to war with our closest friends and allies, I desperately tried to think of another way out of this nightmarish hell. But was unable to come up with anything, to help us avoid yet another senseless bloodbath to happen.
Until, besides the approaching fleet of Gustscales, I sensed how the earth beneath us was faintly starting to rumble, and saw how a young Eremite Titan slowly emerged from behind a hill on the horizon.
Leading me to realize that we were currently standing in a fountain of pure arcanic energy.   Seeing it as our last resort, I then hectically rose my voice, to proclaim a sheer wild card of a plan. Which would have either the potential to serve as our savior, or fully erase my kind from this world, whilst also turning this whole plain into a barren wasteland.
But with the alternative being to start an extinction war with Humankind itself, I knew I had no other choice but to try.   And so, every man, woman, and child, rose up to their feet, to join me in this cataclysmic ritual I was about to set in motion.   With wide outstretched wings, we all channeled as much of the Spirits' essence as we could, causing some of us to collapse near immediately. As their young and inexperienced forms were simply overwhelmed with the intense concentration of arcanic energy, that was now flowing through them.
But despite the deafening sounds of agonizing cries and sudden bursts of wings, we couldn't allow us to stop.
Until finally, a radiating wall of light was beginning to erupt out of the ground behind me, and shoot out into a monolithic circular shape in front of us.
To form a planetary disc, we couldn't even see the ends of.   Just mere moments later, presumably after the walls of light had touched behind the horizon, they soon faded away, followed by a thunderous explosion, similar to an erupting volcano. And earth shaking tremors, which even caused the Eremite Titan in the distance to go down to its knees.
Before this colossal plateau began to detach from the very earth of Narcana, creating a crater of indescribable size, and slowly floating up towards the skies.   This, however, wasn't the end just yet. As even in the sky, we would still not be safe from the relentless pursues of our old allies.
So with one final effort, all of us who could still stand, pushed their limits towards a knock on death's door, and screamed out in pain.
Allowing us to concentrate just enough arcane energy to transport the entire island to a place unknown, and leaving our former home behind for good.  


  The next thing I knew, was how I woke up under a peaceful blue sky, with my worried brother standing over me, carefully channeling arcanic energy through me to heal my wounds.
Whilst behind me, I could see that the ritual seemed to have worked, showing me nothing but the vast void of the sky, circling around this flying planet-sized island we had just created.
But as I turned away from the edge, all I saw then was just the horrific sight of an outcome, I desperately wanted to avoid at all costs.   Elves, mostly of a young age, or those who were inexperienced in the channeling of arcanic energy, lied on blood soaked grass with burned up wings, similar to the fields of the Throne War of Origin Race.
Whilst either Valkyries or their loved ones, kneeled over their almost husk like bodies, in an inconsolable attempt to bring them back.
Though, in the end, not even the purest of Spirits are able to heal a soul, that has been utterly burned away by the Ethereal Flame.   Nonetheless, it was thanks to their brave and valiant sacrifices, that the remaining ones of our kind were now able to rebuild the lost peace, we all thought had already been achieved once.
So in order to truly honor their lives, all we could've done was to accept this tragic loss, and turn this freshly created land into a paradise for my surviving kin to thrive.   Crowning the northern edge of the island as our new home, we began to build small and simple huts, made out of nothing more than the abundant turf beneath our feet. Which we first formed into miniature hills, and then quickly hardened in place, by extracting all the moisture out of them.
Sure, at first, it only looked like a slightly bigger village for Halflings, but for the time being it would have to do.
Until the Spirits would eventually provide us with more resources, and a diverse ecosystem, to once again balance out nature.   Simultaneously, whilst creating our makeshift village, we also send out three groups of scouts, each one consisting of a few civilians and one Valkyrie, to secure us a sustainable food and water source.
But after the first group returned, not even an hour later, we were all more than shocked to see what they had actually found instead.
As they did not held any fruits, vegetables, seeds or edible meat in their hands, but instead some arcane chains, bound to a small caravan of human vagabonds.   At first, we perceived them skeptically, scared even, to see that not even such a grand, planet creating ritual, seemed to be enough to flee from our newfound nemesis.
Although, as we pondered on what we should do with them, we realized that these people had no religious connections to the Old Faith whatsoever, and didn't appear to pose any threat.
So we wanted to give them a chance, to maybe heal our scarred friendship, and start over, making way for a new era of peace and unity.   Some decades then passed, and what was once nothing more than a vast open plain, slowly became a rich ecosystem, divided into six prospering biomes.   With the Endless Forest stretching far over the northwest side of the Lands, providing us with resources like wood from its Eternal Trees, or special herbs from its plentiful flora.
Whilst also giving life to many new species, we have never seen before on Narcana.
Including the apex tribe of the Malgrems, who ferociously defend their territory with not only animalistic savagery, but also intelligent coordination, to outmatch any who dare to trespass into the depth of their forest.   Or the remaining plains of the Evergreen Veldt to the northeast, where Humans have built their first settlements, outside of the Town's walls. To use their lush fields of open grass, to raise well-fed cattle and grow plentiful crops. As well as profit from the deep reaching cave systems, scattered across the plains.   Then, in the southwest, under the deep green, jungle like forest, lies a giant beach, leading into the open waters of the Singing Sea.
Which not only seems like a heaven for fishermen and island dwellers alike, but also serves as our main source for hydration, since this ocean consists purely out of freshwater, steadily produced over decades by the Spirits. And mostly held in place by a giant wall of deep-sea corals on the ocean's edge.
With the water spilling over it turning into endless falls, vaporizing right before they would leave our atmosphere, and creating an ageless cycle of evaporation and rehydration. As well as clouding the oceans ends into a permanent moist fog, which every so often rises into the sky, to form rain carrying clouds for the other biomes.
But despite its live providing beauty, these waters are also the home of a race of apex predators, who don't hunt for food, but to satiate their own twisted desires.
By luring unsuspecting prey into the sea with a tantalizing song, and then drown them in the depth of their lust.   In contrast to the nurturing waters of the ocean, there also is the Living Decay.
A narrow, hazardous swamp, stretching through the middle of the Lands towards the south, where a variety of grotesque monster-like creatures have found their home.
Wading through thick water and mud, they feed on the death and decay of both the human and elven city. And either turn it into a toxic sludge, or in very rare cases, even into some valuable treasures, due to their unique digestion and channeling abilities.
Which made the swamp a popular zone for both desperate and brave adventurers alike, willing to risk their health and safety for a slim chance of fortune.
However, even in such a place, ruled by decease, there still lies the wonder of life and rebirth. As the poisonous gases, covering this region like a dense fog, have the unique attribute to purify themselves once they mix with the rain clouds in the sky.
And enhance the falling waters with nourishing properties, to cause plants all over the Lands to thrive.   Excluded from this miraculous shower of life though is the Desert of Bones.
A sheer endless field of nothing but scorching sand, covering the southeast of our flying island in a dangerous wasteland.
Where the bones and ruins of a former life, unable to adapt to the drastic changes, are sprinkled across.
Whilst the creatures of the land learned to thrive in these harsh conditions, and turned into fearsome predators, unknowingly guarding the potential treasures that were left behind by the extinct civilization.
A necessary danger and sacrifice that the Spirits needed to create, in order to fuel our sun, with the radiating heat from the deserts sand.   Further in, shrouded by a veil of illusion and mirage, the desert also hides our Lands' deadliest secret.
As, on the very edge of this desolate ocean of sand, lies Eclipse's Domain.
A hellish extension of our Lands, formed solely by the wrath of an Ancient Dragon with unknown origin. Who first melted the sands beneath it into a brittle mass of pure black obsidian. And then infused it with its arcane fire, to transform most of the fragile volcanic glass into a seething island of Sunheart ore.
Which one day, due to its densely concentrated essence of blazing breath within, caused the ground of the dragon's domain to burst open. And explode into an ever-growing geyser of manifested arcanic fire and black smoke.   Now, after decades of time, this geyser has turned into a monolithic arcane volcano, towering over the obsidian spiked landscape of black sand.
And serving as not only the nest and throne of Eclipse, but also as this hellish region's temple, honoring its fearsome lord and creator.   Something, which isn't just exclusive to Eclipse's Domain, as every other territory of the Lands also possesses an awe-inspiring temple of their own.
To honor the Great Spirits of nature that brought them to live.
With Ariya's Underground Garden made of stone, hidden deep in the forest, behind the Gravel Path.
The sky-piercing Black Spire of Srrar, towering over the plains, and serving as a nesting place for its ferocious Wyverns.
Or Azurra's Sunken Colosseum, where the Sirens gather for a bloody dance with their surviving prey.
Traveling through the deep sludge of the swamp, though, is where you won't find an ordinary temple. As its deity Fuahng only planted a Hollow Tree made of flesh. To give birth to her unique creations of death consuming parasites.
And lastly, shrouded in a veil of scorching heat, there lies the Elusive Pyramid of Ilvwa, which seems to never appear at the same spot twice.   Furthermore, apart from the Lands' ecosystem, our makeshift village, as well as the settlement of Humans, have also thrived over the years.
With our halfling huts turned into houses of wood and stone, surrounded by protective walls, and looked over by a humble castle, created by the Humans to honor our generosity.   As well as the human campsite of a small caravan, which grew into quite the prospering town, protected by a sturdy wall, to keep the potential dangers of all the five biomes they are adjacent to at bay.
And with a thriving adventurer guild at their center, to provide brave warriors with opportunities to hone their skills, and uncover valuable treasures, hidden deep within our Lands' new formed regions.   But despite all of these good signs, the peace we all longed for was soon to be challenged once again.
As my own brother, just at the end of the Lands' first century, suddenly came to me with a terrifying proposal.   He proclaimed to me in a determined voice, that even out here on the Lands, we wouldn't be safe forever, from the relentless pursues of our former allies.
And that in order to truly achieve the peace we want, we would have to go to one last war with Narcana itself.
And eradicate all members of the Old Faith before it's too late.   Hearing the strong resolve with which he stated his claim, I couldn't help but worry, about his true intentions.
As without any precise location of our Lands, attempting to find us out here in the Vast Unknown, would be a risk far too great to take, even for a corrupted religion of bloodthirsty fanatics.   So I doubted it was peace he really was after, and took away his control over the Valkyries, to try and save him from eventually loosing himself, and being consumed by a relentless hunger for vengeance.  


  After that day, we haven't seen us, nor talked to each other anymore. Since after I transferred the command over the Valkyries to Silva, my brother simply vanished into the wilds of our Lands.
But after receiving a rather unsettling report out of the Desert of Bones, I was left to wonder, if his words may have been telling the truth after all.
As on a quite restless day, where a strong wind covered the desert in a veil of flying sand, I got an urgent visit from a mentally scarred adventurer, who was barely able to stand.   Claiming to have witnessed a necromantic ritual, he told me about a small group of hooded figures, out in the desert.
Who have been using the buried bones to raise an undead amalgamation, before sending said creature out to onslaught him and his two partners.   Given the dense sandstorm, and the urgency to try and defend himself and his group from that monster made of bones, he wasn't able to get a clear look at the mysterious necromancers.
All he could see, was that they were wearing hooded robes, which completely covered their skin. And that their forms appeared to be humanoid.
But when Silva sent out a scout troop of Valkyries the next day, all they could find were just some empty armors of the adventurers, with their flesh and bones gone.
Presumed to be already used for another ritual.   Apart from these elusive necromancers, some other adventurers also claimed to have witnessed strange phenomenons, in the behavior of swamp and ocean creatures, just a couple of days later.
Like groups of Sea Imps, able to freely walk on land, or aggressive Boghogs, preying on their own kind, and standing up on their hind legs.
Which later on were all traced back to a case of dark possessions, as well as forced transformations by Fallen Spirits.   At first, the only explanation I had, was for my brother's concerns to have come true, and that the Old Faith had somehow managed to track us down, out here in the Vast Unknown.
To finish what they have started once and for all.
But as the day of the black sky had come, it was no Human who led the charge against our cities.   Starting with a clash of the Spirits and their fallen counterparts in the sky, the light gradually faded away, as the clouds turned to a deep black, with only furious lightning left to illuminate the surroundings.
Followed by an army of unrecognizable silhouettes, emerging from the desert's raging sands.
And a troop of mutated Boghogs, carrying uprooted trees towards the southern gate.   Understanding their intentions, we opened fire to try and stop the Boghogs from reaching the gate.
But just as we shot the first arrow, our fire was quickly returned.
As an armada of demonic-looking Goblins suddenly jumped out of the swamp's thicket, firing poisonous arrows back at the soldiers defending from the wall.   Unable to hit these agile arrow men, hiding in the shadows of the darkened sky, with our own single fire, we tried to channel area covering blazes instead.
But not even that was enough.
As the hooded figures from the desert now also joined in on the fight, and effortlessly managed to redirect our channeling away from their troops.   At this point, though, we also noticed that none of their attacks were actually aimed to kill, but just to incapacitate us.
With the arrows mainly hitting our soldier's shoulders, the poison they are covered in only being a tranquilizer, and even the redirecting of our arcane blazes, simply sent off into the sky.   Furthermore, not a single undead creature, waiting at the desert's crossing into the swamp, appeared to be readying up for an attack, nor being interested in anything else but the southern gate to break.
Almost as if their entire siege was just meant to gather as many Valkyries and adventurers in one specific place.
To then maybe finish them all at once.   And just as their breakthrough into the human city was finally achieved, and the hordes of undead came rushing in, so also did the door to my throne room open, and revealed me the ring leader of this attack.   Showing me two hooded figures, cloaked in decaying burial garms, I immediately froze in place, and was near unable to breathe, as I saw the more than familiar face of my own brother standing right in their middle.   Hesitant to speak at first, and with a heavy voice, my brother then began to apologetically preach to me, telling me that there is just no other way.
While he also begged me for forgiveness, before he slowly spread out his now darkened wings, and began to channel an ominous energy, aided by his two hooded minions.   However, just as his black wings began to glow with the Fallen Spirits' essence, the deities from the temples, all began to rise, reacting to this anomaly of darkness, swirling through the air.
While in disbelieve, I desperately tried to convince him to stop, and prayed to him to come back to his senses before it's too late.   From the deepest parts of the ocean, Azurra came with a flap of his ethereal fins, creating a tsunami of spiritual waters, to wash away any possessed creature of the Lands.
Clouding the air in a dense mist, Fuahng released an arcanic gust of spores, cleansing the sky from the Fallen Spirits, to return the sun.
And piercing through the desert's sandstorm, shone Ilvwa's translucent white light, returning the amalgamated undead back into lifeless piles of bones.
While Ariya and Srrar rushed towards the castle, to punish my brother for his dark deeds, and banish him into the depths of our Lands to seal him away, along with the Fallen Spirits he had released.   Now, in the end, no matter what I tried, I simply couldn't do anything to save my brother from himself.
As I just stood there, paralyzed, while being forced to watch how his body was disintegrated by the radiant light of Srrar's wings.
Before I collapsed to my knees, lost in despair and denial.
As the lights of the Great Spirits slowly faded away, and returned to their temples.   Some moments later then, Silva came rushing into the throne room, and saw how I was down on my knees.
With the two hooded figures still left standing before me, staring down at my unmoving form.   Fearing for the worst, he drew his weapon and charged ahead, ready to fulfill his duty, and strike down my brother's last remaining minions.
But I stopped him before he could reach.
Telling him quietly to get a closer look at them first, and that they are no longer posing a threat.
As upon removing their hoods, it was revealed that they are no Human nor creature, but an artificial life form, made out of a deceased ashen gray skeleton, and brought to life by strong arcanic essences.
Only to do its creator's bidding.
But with my brother gone, all they now did was just idly stand there and stare at me, seemingly waiting to receive a new purpose for their existence.   So with a somber tone, I told them to return to their birthplace, and to honor the deceased that were shamelessly used for my brother's war. Which effectively turned them into the third apex race of our Lands.
The undead Monarchs, who are now guarding the Desert of Bones as a sacred burial ground.  


  Now, we are almost at the end of the Lands' second century.
And over all these years, quite a lot has changed within our little paradise.   Starting with the restoration of the Human Town, after my brother's attack. Which is now divided into six different districts, each one representing its adjacent region.   With the Forest District's green streets and shade spending trees growing between the houses. As well as the occasional wooden balconies, adding to the homes of those who earned their fair share in the endless forest.   Or the more open place of the Plain District's buzzing market, luring in merchants from all over the Town and Lands. As well as offering the farmers who live out on the plains a wonderful place to sell their crops and meats.   Then, next to the Singing Sea, the Ocean District holds a giant wharf and body of water right in its center, to house the various fisher boats of those who make their living out at sea.
With the houses of well-known fisherman or ocean adventures being decorated with sea creature ornaments, or majestic anchors.   For the Swamp District, though, it doesn't look so bright. As it was the first point of entry for the undead army on the day of the black sky, and therefore had the harshest time of getting fixed.
But despite its worn down look, and makeshift repairs, the people living there have managed to grow quite fond of it.
And now, with its dark streets and dim lit taverns, it serves as the primary gathering hub for rough-edged adventurers, who are looking for valuable rumors, to embark on their daring adventurers.   A strong contrast to the eerie feel in the slums of the swamp brings the Desert District.
With its bright open streets, and finely polished stones used to build their houses, this district does well in luring in many greedy treasure hunters, to sell their questionably obtained goods.
As well as providing the finest armors and weapons, from the Lands' most renown blacksmiths.   And then, there is the so-called Royal District, which is adjacent to our Elven Town in the north, showing an almost identical build style as Sovera, with its homes made of marble, and only the rarest of plants to decorate the streets.
As well as serving as the adventurer guilds new home.   Furthermore, apart from the vast changes made to the Town of Humans, there are also the once possessed and forcefully transformed Sea Imps and Boghogs.
Who were now able to adapt to a normal life on the Lands, after the demonic influence corrupting them has vanished completely.   With the land dwelling Sea Imps now being known as Implins, these curious, goblin like creatures quickly made themselves a name as omnipresent pests, roaming around every region of the Lands in huge packs. And causing nothing but chaos, wherever they turn up.
Luckily, without the aid of the Fallen Spirits' possession, these creatures are fairly easy to deal with, due to their small size and minimal intelligence.
So that even fresh adventurers can easily hunt these rapidly breeding monsters, and control their population.   Another story though are the house high Wartorcs.
Being forcefully evolved from the swamp dwelling Boghogs, these new creatures pose a threat to be reconned with, when faced in an even fight.
As they not only possess skin as thick as hard leather armor, but also enough intelligence to build crude weapons, simple traps, and structures, as well as being able to communicate with other races like Humans.
Though, despite all that, their cognitive abilities are still far below those of any average Human.
Making it a solid strategy to simply outsmart them in a little chat, and flee once they are busy thinking.   Now apart from these changes in the ecosystem, as well as the vast improvements to the human Town, our Lands also became the birthplace of many adventures, both minor and grand, over these past years.   But despite all these fortunate and exciting events, I can't help but think back at the high price I had to pay, in order to finally achieve this long sought after era of peace.   Yet if I think back at everything we went through, over the millennia of our lives.
How you always got back up after every defeat, to claim what you had set your mind to.
I doubt that you will simply give up, even if the forces of the Great Spirits themselves are at play.
And after I heard the rumors of strangely aggressive herbivores in the forest, I knew that it will soon be time again, for the sky to turn black once more.


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