A I: Known Arcane Manifestations of Water Spell in Alterna I: The Lands of Paradise | World Anvil
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A I: Known Arcane Manifestations of Water

Written by Neons-Mindrealm

Whilst Channeler have the potential to manifest the Breath of the Spirits into any form of elemental force they can think of, and make their manifestations wildly unique, most have transpired into a commonly known practice for others to mimic.

With the known forms of water-based manifestations including:

  • Dew Drop, a primitive level manifestation with an initial channeling as swift as shaking off one's own hand twice, which then could in theory be continued indefinitely, but is limited by the Chanelers endurance of taking in arcane energy.
  • Effectively, this manifestation is like a localized profuse sweating, dripping arcanic water from the Chanelers skin as long as the manifestation lasts.
    Which is often used in situations where death by dehydration is an imminent threat that needs to be addressed. As, even though arcanic water lacks any form of minerals, just like distilled water, it appears to be fairly safe to drink.
  • Pulse Zero, an exalted level manifestation which was first channeled by the Valkyrie Commander Silva, that requires a channeling time of at least 6 seconds before it can then be expelled from the palm of the Channelers hand as quickly as a single heartbeat.
  • Effectively, this manifestation is like creating and condensing a blizzard inside of the Channelers body, and then quickly expelling it as a shockwave of absolute zero temperature, shock frosting everything it touches. With a longer channeling time leading to not only a greater range and effectiveness of the manifestation, but also a higher risk of the Channeler combusting into an ice-cold flame.
    Since the exalted level of Channeling is an art barely anyone is able to master, Pulse Zero is mainly used as an ace of Silva alone, to quickly turn nearly any fight to his advantage.
    The list of known manifestations has in theory the potential to be endless, with new ones being added steadily over time as Alterna I grows and evolves.


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