A I: Known Arcane Manifestations of Fire Spell in Alterna I: The Lands of Paradise | World Anvil
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A I: Known Arcane Manifestations of Fire

Written by Neons-Mindrealm

Whilst Channeler have the potential to manifest the Breath of the Spirits into any form of elemental force they can think of, and make their manifestations wildly unique, most have transpired into a commonly known practice for others to mimic.

With the known forms of fire-based manifestations including:

  • Ember Spark, a primitive level manifestation which can be channeled as fast as snapping one's fingers, but is only so effective as the last flicker of a dying candle.
  • Effectively, this manifestation is nothing more than a miniscule little flame puff, which evaporates as quickly as it is channeled.
    And those who often use this manifestation either just use it to kindle a small fire, or swiftly ignite a Slickwood arrow whilst shooting it at their target. As the raw potency of this manifestation holds no benefit in combat.
  • Wyvern Breath, an advanced level manifestation with an initial channeling time of around 2 seconds that in theory can then be continued indefinitely, as long as the Channeler can endure the intake of arcanic energy as well as the heat produced by the manifestation itself.
  • Effectively, this manifestation forms the breath of the Spirits into an unstable energy inside of the Channelers body, which as soon as it gets forcefully expelled, transforms into an arcane flame, somewhat mimicking the fire breath of a Wyvern.
    Channeler who often use this manifestation mostly utilize it to quickly cover a greater number of enemies in flames, or effectively disintegrate single targets with a concentrated stream of fire.
    The list of known manifestations has in theory the potential to be endless, with new ones being added steadily over time as Alterna I grows and evolves.


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