Pandalope Species in Altaros | World Anvil
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Pandalope is a curious looking creature. It's soft golden, slightly reddish brown fur is thick and perfect for withstanding the harsh winters of the area of The Spine. Pandalopes are originally solitary creatures and difficult to encounter even in the wild, as they are rather rare and were very much sought after for their soft fur in last centuries. Some druidic wood elven tribes have managed to tame a few of them to use as mounts in the rocky and snowy terrain.

Basic Information


The pandalopes look like a mix of an antelope and a red panda: absolute cuddling potential but with added horns. They have big and soft paws that make them quiet like shadow in a forest. They can also climb trees with ease.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The pandalope is mainly a herbivore, but might occasionally eat eggs, bugs and meat it can catch (like mice). Pandalopes tend to love honey and some bee keepers in the area of The Crescent Enclave have taken on great measures to keep the pandalopes out of their beehives.


Wild pandalopes are solitary creatures and live most of their time alone, only socializing with others during the mating season. The few domesticated pandalopes, however, tend to be very loyal and affectionate towards their owners and the small number of people they like.

Civilization and Culture


The Pandalopes are surprisingly smart, on the level of a sheepdog. They can be fickle though and sometimes they might have a stubborn streak or they might get scared of something silly, like their own shadow and climb a tree to the safety. They are also smart enough to joke with their owners and solve simple puzzles. However, they are not necessarily fighters and tend to flee rather than fight, especially if the attacker is bigger than they are.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The coloring of the pandalopes in wild is rather uniformly reddish brown, with white markings on face and darker extremities, like those of a red panda has. The horns resemble those of an antelope or a deer. The domesticated ones have more variety in their color an dmight have more markings like stripes and spots anywhere on their body.
Geographic Distribution


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Aug 9, 2023 14:11 by Marc Zipper

Cute pandas I love the fur coat colors. Amazing job of the detail you put into it. I love the image of Druids is riding them in the woods

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