Altair The Birth of Warlord Zynn

The Birth of Warlord Zynn

Era beginning/end


On this day, during a battle of unified barbaric tribes against a well-trained army. A pregnant barbarian woman gave birth in the heat of battle.

On the 23rd day of Comasu during the year 1380, an orange sky filled with smoke and debris. There is the ringing of steel clashing on the battlefield as soldiers and barbarians meet. Tearing through the ground is vibrant bursts of magical energy. The terrain gives way from the blast, upending the warriors in that area. Calvary enters the fray stampeding to a grove of thick and tall barbarians. These fierce multi-racial warriors stand ready for the coming assault. The riders charge through, thrusting their spears at the barbarians. The riders skewered several of the savages like boars. A capable female warrior had parried the spear tip with her dual-edge battleax and countered with an overhead slash with her second battleax. The force of the blow knocks the rider off of the horse. The impact of the ground forces the rider's breath to escape. The rider looks up to see a pregnant female barbarian slashing her dual battleax down.   The woman barbarian cleans her blood-stained axes and looks around for her surviving comrades with a concerned look, and a thick orc greets her and butts his forehead against her forehead. A few other comrades survived the cavalry charge coalescing around the couple. The dust from the cavalry slowly fades, and the silhouette of foot soldiers makes their way to the combatants. A couple of bolts pierce into the sweaty flesh of the barbarian maiden. She buckles in discomfort but not from her external wounds received. But the pain is coming from her pregnancy. She gives a soft gaze to the male orc comforting her but turns cold quickly. Enemy soldiers are rapidly approaching their position. The surviving group of barbarians engages the soldiers. They dispatched the first wave of footmen, but a painful contraction distracts the woman. She suffers a hemorrhaging wound in her arm that is bleeding profusely. She recklessly attacked the soldier that gave him an opening before falling to her blades. She scans her wound and then tries to get the timing of the contractions.   Finally, in despair, she pulls out a dagger from her waistline. She begins to slice open her bulging belly. The others see her actions and form a loose wall around her. The thick orc stands boldly in front of her as a shield. Descending on the small group of barbarians is a battalion of spearmen, footsoldiers, and crossbowmen. Several of the men fall as they give their lives protecting the woman that is cutting out. The sound of a wailing baby cuts through the noise of battle. The protective orc looks back to see the woman cradling a newborn. She is bloody and pale. She stretches the newborn half-orc to the protective orc, and he clutches the newborn with his massive hands. He looks at her one last time and escapes the battlefield with the baby. The woman wipes a single tear off her cheek. She wipes the sweat off of her brow and picks up her two battleaxes with what remains of her strength. She angrily stares at the troops that are rapidly approaching.

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