Oleo Settlement in Grenagem | World Anvil


The second largest city in the Grenagese Peninsula, Oleo is dedicated to the refining and production of industrial materials for Grenagem. They process the iron coming up from La Tantani, and while not much is built there, all the pieces for their many machines are forged there. The city itself is about 2/3 factories and 1/3 housing, with workers being sent there in shifts, so they can come back to Grenagem every so often. The city itself is blisteringly hot during the day, and cools to uncomfortably warm at night. The city has become much more crowded and busy since the development of the Lo Comotivo.


60% Grenegese, 40% Naterran 98% Men, 2% Women


The government here is much less present outside of guards, mostly to ensure the safety of the workers in the factories. Due to the nature of the settlement, crime is nearly nonexistent, and usually is administrative rather than anything between lower class citizens.


Guards patrol the city, keeping any wild animals or other threats out, but their job is considered laughably easy.

Industry & Trade

95% of the products made in Oleo are sent up the Lo Comotivo to Grenagem. The only things that remain in the city are pieces built to replace things that are broken.


The city is designed with the housing in the center of a ring of factories, so that each factory is equidistant from its corresponding dorm. This allows easy access by the workers. Every house has basic utilities, but the supply of alum to the city is low for personal use, so power is a luxury.


The city was established in the year 30, after the conquest of La Tantani was providing plentiful iron, but Grenagem could not handle processing all of it. The hyper-industrialization came around the same time as the discovery of the Roza Islands .


The architecture here is very utilitarian, everything designed per usual for expansion and easy upkeep.


The city itself is rather hilly, and some of the factories are built more into the hills.


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