Feimir Geographic Location in Alpha Centauri | World Anvil


The continent now homes to a couple of hundred humans that travelled to Domus. The continent itself spans vast along the equator and northern part of Domus, which makes the different zones on the continent extremely different from one and another.   At the coastal areas, the ground tends to fold up and make mountains larger than most on Earth. The angry sea west of the continent eats away at the rocks, creating intricate caves leading into giant cave systems formed long ago by lava.   Up north lies the thick, lush and damp forest of Elmon forest - so thick that it is hard to navigate through. And around the equator, completely different geography seems to be found frequently. Big areas with the underground being filled with heavy materials, like the The Sulphuric Marshes.    

Weather patterns

All across the equator of Feimir, the weather seems quite stable. It follows a known pattern, and rarely sways from it. A month a year, rain pours down across most of the equator and makes all the soil wet and heavy. This month is typically around the fall. When working in The Sulphuric Marshes this is your least favorite time of the year. Typically they get the month off because it is almost impossible to work in those conditions.   Up north, the weather is always unpredictable, though it usually has a lot of rainy days which in the winter turns to snow or hail. Further north from Elmon forest the weather is dry and cold. Most of the wind gets stopped by the thick forest, so the wind almost never make it further.


Around 10.769.300 km2 (Some is not visible on the map provided as it continues north for a bit)  


Natural biomes:
  • Desert
  • Lush forests
  • Mountain ranges
  • Flat plains
  • Grassy hills
  • Glaciers


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