Asteroid Mors Geographic Location in Alpha Centauri | World Anvil

Asteroid Mors

T he mors asteroid had been observed since we first were able to see big objects in the night sky.   When it became apparent that the Earth could get hit by a large object - that we previously wasn't aware of - at any moment, a long discussion of concern began. That's when we started to observe the larger objects in our solar system and calculate their trajectory. Mors was one of these objects.   The year 2103   Suddenly in the year 2103, Mors' trajectory made a sudden change. It wasn't known what could have caused it, but scientists were able to detect that it now was steering directly towards Earth. The leaders of the Earth had a hard task ahead of them.   A public announcement showing their findings were never made. Instead, they made it a top-priority secret. Leaders around the world set out to find candidates to find solutions. This wasn't an easy task. Another team were made, to figure out how Mors had changed it's trajectory.  
It's like something - or someone - suddenly hit the giant rock so it would collide with Earth. There is no way this happened by it self. This is unlike anything we've observed before.
  The year 2105   November 22nd, the Asteroid hit the Earths surface. Many lives were lost. Whole countries and cultures ceased to exist.    
by CatRobi

On the surface

The surface of Mors is very rigid and bumpy, with sharp edges. It is far from a perfect sphere.

The Asteroide consist mostly of frozen Nitrogen and H2O, but underneath the surface is a very strong and compact core. Scientists believe the core is mostly made of different kinds of metals and stone.

The point of Change

First time observed

  The Asteroid had been observed many times before, first in the mid 1600's by Galileo Galilei. Its trajectory was calculated in a later time, and it has been in our database with asteroids since the 1990's.  

The year 2103

  A sudden change to Mors' trajectory, made it steer directly towards Earth. ETA in the year 2105.  
by CatRobi
  This illustration was made using data from several observations. It was possible to calculate the point of change, but no other known objects were even close to Mors.    


Alternative Name(s)

Cover image: by CatRobi


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