The Terrasque Myth in Aloth | World Anvil

The Terrasque


Withing the earth of the prime material plane, there is a force that shakes the world, eats kingdoms and scares the gods. The Terrasque or the Worlds End, Eater of worlds and the great elemental is a gargantuan creature that lives within the earth. It is an immortal creature that slumbers for decades at a time before it comes out and eats everything it comes across. Every century or so the creature goes on a raging rampage for months to satisfy its hunger. This rage is a fear for all kingdoms all over the world.   The terrasque is known for showing itself every other generation, but for small times at a time and going back to sleep within the earth. These sightings are extremely rare and when seen everyone keeps away from its feeding ground. No one is stupid enough or brave enough to fight this creature. The terrasque has been seen a few times during the 4th age. It once showed itself north of Evlora in A4 128 outside of Ashguard. Some people and heroes tried their luck to defend Ashguard but none of them returned. Some people tried to run from Ashguad but there is no running from the terrasque. It killed everyone in Ashguard and left it in ruins. The people of Evlora was just lucky it did not spot their city. It was also spotted in Mar’Dahar in A4 431 but luckily it was just in the Red Abyss eating the local creatures and travelers. It left a few weeks later and didn’t hurt any cities directly. The terrasque has not been seen in the 4th age since that event.   There are no tumors when the terrasque moves because of its special ability to meld into rock and move without digging, so preparing for an attack is impossible and so is tracking it. The terrasque is said to have been killed during the Avatar Battles leaving some parts of it in the hands of adventurers, but the creature will always regenerate from any damage. Even if fully disintegrated the terrasque will slowly regenerate from the biggest pile of dust. The terrasque also has one of the most destructive abilities in the multiverse, its stomach. It is said to be one of the only things begin able to destroy artifacts, kill gods and even other terraqueous which is ironic.

In Literature

The Terrasque has made its way into many books, poems, and heroics. It has become a story to scare both children and adults all over the world and many authors have used it in their stories.
Date of First Recording
The tales of the Terrasque has been documented since the first civilizations.


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