Milo Character in Aloth | World Anvil



Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Milo is strong, tall and wide. He is well trained and even though he dislikes violence he kept up his physical training just in case. He is smaller than most of his kind, but much stronger than a peak human.

Special abilities

Milo was taught some magic by other members of The Poet's gang

Apparel & Accessories

Milo mostly wears red daharian clothes and silk pants. He sometimes wears a purple silk vest, but mostly for formal encounters.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Milo was born in A4 611 in Daharia. He was born into slavery as his parents were slaves for a noble. He was kept with his family and raised with the noble's children until he died and Milo and his parents were sold elsewhere. Milo was 7 when he was taken from his parents and sold into a gladiator guild known as the Calderan Colossus. There he was forced to fight and train to become stronger and better, the slave gladiators where used as entertainment for others and little care was put in if the fighters died or not. Milo had many natural advantages against the other gladiators and beasts that he had to fight and because of this had to do less training than the rest of the fighters. This time was spent reading, learning and helping the owner of the guild with the economics. Milo wished to use his brain instead of brawn when he could in the hopes that people would see him as more valuable if he was more than just a mindless fighter. Unknowingly to Milo, his time spent trying to become more valuable as a free person and seeking to buy his freedom by helping more around only made him more valuable as a slave to his master.   The years of fighting and working finances for his master went on and Milo was slowly losing hope in ever being freed. This all changed in A4 629 when after a show he was approached by a blue skinned man who was interested in buying Milo as he needed a bodyguard. When he learnt that Milo was well educated and diverse in both language and finances, he instead asked the owner why he was not made a free minotaur by this point or had a higher role within the guild. The answer only told the man that he was being taken advantage off, even as a slave. The man left without more questions and Milo continued his work. Milo and the other fighters awoke the next day to troubling sounds as they heard some screams and sounds of combat. When he arrived at his master's quarters he found him dead alongside seven of his best fighters. There was nobody around and the person responsible could not be found. Later he was approached by the vedalken man again who told him that his and the other fighter's contracts were over and paid for, they were freemen and free to do whatever they wanted. He introduced himself as The Poet, a businessman whose business was crime. He was willing to hire Milo and give him a large pay sum and whatever role within his organization best fit him. Milo took a moment to reflect on his situation but eventually decided to join him as he had no other place to go and at least he could be whoever he wanted. He did have one request before leaving with him and that was to find his parents. The Poet agreed and within a week of looking, they were found on a farm outside Daharia working for a new master. The three were finally reunited and they had many stories to tell eachother. While they were talking, The Poet had made arrangements and bought the deed to the farm, its assets and freed its people. He gave it to Milo's parents who could now work the lands in their name and earn a proper living.   Milo continued to work with The Poet and his gang for years and would become one of its most valued members, both for his intellectual skills and his morale which always countered the more grim methods which were sometimes used. After about 10 years with The Poet's Gang, Milo was given control over their second biggest hideout, which was located in Daharia. It was renamed The Pen and Milo would be in charge of all matters there and decide who to join him. He would go on to buy many slaves freedom and recruit those who wanted just like The Poet had done with him. He was also viewed as the second in control of the entire gang, something which The Poet never said anything against. He would go on to form a close group of friends who controlled The Pen together, its members were Celthis Gixsther, Bu Sirthe and Sky.   Milo's hideout was destroyed in A4 652 and most of its people was killed by the Crimson Marauders who sought revenge on the gang after Clad Silvarno's death.


Seld educated


A highly respected member of The Poet's Gang
Neutral Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
611 42 Years old
Light brown
Long dreads, rich black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark chestnut
233 centimeters
111 kilo
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Daharian, Minotaur


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