Maalvure Character in Aloth | World Anvil


Matron of Orcs Maalvure

Divine Domains

Maalvure is the orcish goddess of agriculture, creation, fertility, beauty and nature. She is also sometimes known for peace, but this is more because of her extremely aggressive counterpart Galarmush who seeks war at all times.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Maalvure's symbol is that of a curved leaf with a drop of blood dripping off it.


Maalvure's most important holiday is known as the Green Harvest which is celebrated during the last week of Voganir.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Maalvure seeks the betterment of her race and their well-being. She opposes the chaos of war and the uncaring and selfish tendencies of her husband Gruumush. She preaches community, harmony, peace and trade with other races instead of domination and war.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Maalvure is often described as a beautiful, curvy, strong and tall woman with long black wavy hair that reached her knees. She is not only described as beautiful by orcs, but other races as well as in some texts she is described as rivaling Sune in pure beauty.


Contacts & Relations

Maalvure was in a relationship with Galarmush who many consider her husband still. This relationship was torture and enslavement for Maalvure as she served as his toy more than an equal, her powers were also misused under the domination of her husband. After breaking away from him, she works to undo his work and help others who suffer at his hand. Maalvure had three children with Galarmush; Bakthur, Tramtar and Ukravengh. She sees none of her children as enemies and has good relations with both Bakthur and Tramtar, but the opposing domains of her son Ukravengh and herself has made her confront him through her followers at many times.   Maalvure has few allies when it comes to other pantheons as she is viewed mostly as an orc by other pantheons like the Seldarine and the dwarvish pantheons. Her closest allies would be Sune who she shares the domains of beauty with and the goddess Erathis who is the goddess of civilization and also opposes chaos and destruction.   Maalvure has also had some contacts with the Asgardian pantheon who she is on good terms with. She has a longhouse in Vanaheim which she often frequents and some even speculate that she and Frey are either in a relationship or were at some point.
Matron of Orcs
Guardian of the Greens
Divine Classification
Intermediate Deity
Neutral Good
Current Residence
Saandartuk (Dothion, Bytopia)
Orange, fiery
Knee long, wavy, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light green


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