The Hero Gods and Baliton in Aloran | World Anvil
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The Hero Gods and Baliton

Before there was Aloran there was the Hero Gods, then known as the Four Gods. These four gods were siblings that did everything together. From oldest to youngest, the Hero Gods were Arkash, a God of Fire and Light, Sypatha, a Goddess of Water and Darkness, Maldune, a God of Stone and Darkness, and Erayis, a Goddess of Wind and Light. These four gods desired to do more than just exist so these powerful deities began to create Aloran. As the four gods began working on building a world of their own a dark and sinister force began to notice them. This was the God called Baliton, a God of Chaos and Destruction. Baliton envied the four gods ability to create worlds and hungered for its destruction so he began to lie in wait. After the four gods finished he attempted to take Aloran for himself. The result was a millennia-long war that ended when the four gods, know called the Hero Gods, sacrificed their future to keep Baliton imprisoned and the Lunar Gods were created.


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