Dillard Greychest Character in Alora | World Anvil

Dillard Greychest

He works in Red Lamb Coliseum, this place used to be run by thieves with some sense of honor. It was a place guilds would come together and not fight but settle there difference in the arena. Dillard took a job here as a healer, it was decent money for him now that he had a daughter to look after.

Years ago in his travels there was a gnome village was demolished, looking around for survivors he only found one small young gnome hiding in a burned down building. Her parents were killed in the fire and she found a safe place to hide while the area was raided. She returned here as this is the only place she knew as home. She saw the old mans kind face and reached out to him, she said her name was Violet, and she is the only one left of her tribe. Having no family of his own he decided then and there to raise her as his own, teaching her the ways of a wizard. Now both are trapped here working under the Order of Paxius , just trying to survive.


Shared Information

  General Info:
  • This place used to be just a bunch of rogues that used this place to settle guild issues or for betting, I just worked here for the money, they paid well. Then the Order of Paxius moved in taking over the coliseum and made slaves out of us. If it wasn't for my daughter I would have fought my way out by now or at least die trying.
  • Dillard shares his story about how he found Violet.
  The Order of Paxius:
  • Captured and brought you here to fight in the games.
  • They have the wealthy come in and place bets on competitors, they go around snatching up anyone who they feel will bring something to the games.
  • Their symbol is a very strange shadow looking type shape of a large lizard or dragon, they use to represent themselves. You have seen it on flags in the arena and shields they carry.
  Escape plan:
  • The wizard sees how powerful they are and asks them to take the gnome with them and may help with an escape plan.
  • Dillard hides their weapons in their cell under some of their bedding. He will make sure that the other combatants are freed from there cell to cause a distraction and he will lead them to one of the locker rooms and show them the secret door to get down to the cave system and make their escape.
  • As the guards advance Dillard uses a fireball against the guards to help them escape near the locker room entrance, he gets caught in the blast and does not survive but his dying wish is for the hero's to look after Violet.
  • Violet has the key to open the shackles once there safely outside. There is a crystal she can wave over top to unlock the shackles, Dillard explained to Violet that this should be done once there safely in the catacombs to insure her safety in case something goes wrong and she needs to escape for unforeseen reasons.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Short and stocky, seems to be in good health considering the working conditions he's under. Carries tons of books and trinkets around with him, like he has most of his important items with him most of the time. He seems to be over prepared for what ever situation will arise.

Personality Characteristics


Seems to also be in good spirits most of the time, always trying to keep an upbeat attitude. Does whats best for his adopted daughter.

(dil-ard grey-chest)
Dark Gray
5' 2''
180 lb

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