Red Lamb Coliseum Building / Landmark in Alora | World Anvil

Red Lamb Coliseum

As most know there is honor among thieves, and this was once a neutral place for different guilds to meet and settle difference. If the guilds in question could not resolve there differences a champion was chosen by each and set to battle each other in the arena. The winner being determined by a trial of combat and skills, death wasn't usually the result but would be on occasion if the challenge required it.

This place has been recently been taken over by the Order of Paxius , a new thieves guild that is not playing by the same rules. They are growing very large in numbers and are trying to push out the other guilds.

This place now is a prison for the people that worked here, and now the arena is used to pit people against each other for fights to the death. Its now a gambling den, and only the lowest of the low come here to bet. Most of the games are stacked in the Order of Paxius favor.

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