Rustean Aldlith Character in Almura | World Anvil

Rustean Aldlith

When I am free, I will return and you will watch your city be engulfed in flame. But for now cheers you fucking Bastard

Rustean Westerean Aldlith (a.k.a. Rusty)

A Regal Ancient Red Dragon from the City of Brass on the Elemental Plane of Fire where he is a Slave within the City of Brass. Having been branded as a slave for all his life Rustean has never known the truth of his Draconic Form, only what his parents told him when they still retained their minds. He carries on in their honor as their minds have been irretrievably lost to the poison their masters feed them, which they consumed more of so that Rustean would retain his full set of wits.   While Rustean despises his Master, he is quite skilled at talking his way into advantageous situations. He has in his many many years managed to gain a degree of comfort unknown to most slaves within the City of Brass or anywhere else across the planes for that matter. He has earned the right to control his own smithy and the slaves under his command. He and his crew operate almost completley independently from the overseers Jaran employs and he is the only slave with the authority to oppose them. The Overseers cannot hurt Rustean directly, Slavemaster Jaran enjoys using his Draconic Slave as a tropy of status and an object to brag about to the other Slavemasters of the City of Brass. The Overseers instead will target Rusty's fellow slaves and force the dragon to behave, though not without risk to themselves, if Rusty catches them in the act he will, and has on numerous occasions, killed Overseers who harmed his people.   Rusty's Smithy is a forge and barracks where Rusty and his crew live and work, producing all manner of weapons, armor or jewelry. Rusty's own skills as a craftsman are surpassed only by the Fire Giants of The City of Brass and a select few craftsman within the circles of masters across the planes. He runs his smithy with care and professionalism but makes sure to always tend to the needs of his crew, even going so far as to work himself to Exhaustion in order to protect them from Jaran's Wrath. While Rusty is free to operate the Smithy as he pleases, any and all coin must be given to Jaran and any commisions from his master come before any he has promised to his customers.


Balvast Tevara

Honorary Brother

Towards Rustean Aldlith


Rustean Aldlith

Honorary Brother

Towards Balvast Tevara


Balvast Tevara (Honorary Brother)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned (Red Scales)
5' 11"

Articles under Rustean Aldlith


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