Malcanthet, Queen of the Succubi Character in Almura | World Anvil

Malcanthet, Queen of the Succubi

I do so enjoy a good show. Fail to provide one and I will have to entertain myself by... other means.

Queen Malcanthet Nyxirai Kaldeash (a.k.a. The Queen of Pleasure)

Malcanthet is the Queen of the Succubi within the Abyss, and the Ruler of The City of Alushinyrra within the Midnight Isles, one of the many layers of the Abyss. She is a sadist and Hedonistic creature, more obsessed with her own amusement and Pleasure than any external affairs that do not threaten her realm.

Divine Domains

Despite her reputation as a monster, Malcanthet is a patron of Art and Beauty. She enjoys the aspects of creation and to fill her palace with pieces that she collects from across the planes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Malcanthet was among the first seven demons to emerge from the Abyss, and she is the only one of those seven who still draws breath. It is a testament to her power and her cunning that never has she been directly confronted as every other Demon Lord must contend with Challengers. Her would be contenders are either subjugated or eliminated long before they reach her by her many many sons and daughters. From Malcanthet all Succubi can trace some relation, even those of the Nine Hells.   When the initial war for the Planes began between the Demons and Angels, Malcanthet saw little point in fighting and instead chose to cultivate her realm within the Abyss, she was the first to build structures and in interesting fashion was the first crowned Ruler across the Planes. By the time of the birth of the Devils, Malcanthet's realm within the Midnight Isles had a population of millions of Demonkin. She was approached by Asmodeus after he had established the Nine Hells as his domain and he offered her a place at his side, such was her beauty that even the God of the Devils could not resist her allure. She truly considered the offer and the decision tore her apart, literally. Malcanthet split herself on that day, removing the part of herself that was tempted by Asmodeus' offer and casting it away in the form of the Devil-Kin Succubus Mezyss. When Mezyss went to Asmodeus Malcanthet made a pact with her "Sister" that they would not directly harm one another, though this has not stopped them from attempting to dispose of one another indirectly.   Following this Malcanthet dedidcated herself wholly to The Midnight Isles and Alushiryya. When Mortal Kind emerged she began seeking out those she could corrupt or manipulate into her service, she bedded many mortals to ensure her blood would be present upon the Material Plane and to this day, many mortals do carry her corrupt blood, even if extremely diluted. She still calls upon the blood of her mortal descedants from time to time to do her bidding upon the material realm, causing the appearance of Tieflings in otherwise normal bloodlines.   During the Purge War, Malcanthet's Realm was invaded by several would be gods and she dealt with them personally, imprisoning many of them within the depths of her Palace, to be used for her pleasure and amusement. In battle she wields a barbed whip forged from infernal metals, with which she can infilct grievious injuries and bind her playthings in pain and pleasure at once.   More recently she has bowed her head to the Entity known as Mazerath, the first and only time she has ever submitted to an outsider before, and when this was learned many thought this meant to be a sign of her weakness, and they were met with disappointment. For what purpose or reason she has allowed Mazerath power over her is unknown but it is known that while she maintains an air of amusement about her new master, beneath the surface she despises being controlled, if given the chance she would destroy him utterly.

Gender Identity

While Malcanthet has her preferred form in her Succubus body, she is fully capable of assuming any appearance or form that suits her desires. She can appear as Man, Woman, Demon or Angel, or any form in between. More than one Angel, or even Archangel have been lured in by her charms.   She has an Incubus form by the name of Malcan and while he is considerably smaller than her preffered form, only those who are bedded by the Demon Lord will ever see this form.


Pansexual to the Highest Degree.


As the Eldest Demon within the Planar Multiverse, Malcanthet is ancient beyond the comprehension of most beings and she is among the most cunning creatures across the planes.


She is the Queen of the Midnight Isles and her domain is among the most peaceful within the Abyss. While there is of course bloodshed and violence among the realm it is far less rampant and destructive as other realms of the Abyss, with the black water rivers that flow among the islands acting according to Malcanthet's command, and sweeping away those who cause disturbances within the realm.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Has bested the Other Demon Lords when they attempted to enter and dominate her realm.   Has subjugated two Archangels in Battle and within the Depths of the Pleasure Houses within the City of Alushinyrra, The Archangels Nariel and Faravos. Nariel was the first to be captured and she will not speak of what transpired during her Eight Hundred years of Imprisonment, though from the information provided by Faravos, Nariel was broken to the point of becoming a Handmaiden of her captor. Many of the archangels voice concern for their sister, and whether or not she should be allowed to remain within the heavens after such humiliation. Faravos spent only Ten years in her imprisonment and the experience left him scarred, physically and mentally and he claims that more than one of the Children of Malcanthet bear a strong resemblance to his captured sister.

Failures & Embarrassments

Her only known Failure is her current servitude to Mazerath, which she resents.

Intellectual Characteristics

She maintains a playful attitude in even the most horrendous of situations, one witness described her giggling like a child when she was inflicting torturous pain upon her victims.   One major trait of note about her is that she is a "Fair" Demon. Where most demons are liable to go back on a deal that is struck with them or to subvert the outcome in their favor, as long as the terms do not place her or her realm in a comprimising situation. She will often make deals with mortals to return a person or object she has taken, if they can provide her with amusement then they are free to take what was taken previously.

Morality & Philosophy

She does not act only out of Self interest, though that is a primary motivation for her, she will take great pains to ensure the security of her realm and the obedience of her people. As long as those are not threatened she will treat any interaction with amusement and a carefree attitude.


Malcanthet will not kill her playthings until she has exhausted all potential uses of them, and she does not share her playthings.

Personality Characteristics


The Continuation of her Realm and her continued rule of the Midnight Isles.


Her Reign has lasted from her birth at the time of the creation of the Planes and has continued uniterupted to the present day.


Malcanthet, Queen of the Succubi


Towards Mezyss, Consort of Asmodeus


Mezyss, Consort of Asmodeus


Towards Malcanthet, Queen of the Succubi


Nariel, The Shadowdancer

Wife (Vital)

Towards Malcanthet, Queen of the Succubi



Malcanthet, Queen of the Succubi

Wife (Vital)

Towards Nariel, The Shadowdancer



Legal Status

Bound together with Demonic Magic

Malgeron the Red Orc


Towards Malcanthet, Queen of the Succubi

Malcanthet, Queen of the Succubi


Towards Malgeron the Red Orc



Towards Malcanthet, Queen of the Succubi


Malcanthet, Queen of the Succubi


Towards Nocticula


Wealth & Financial state

The Midnight Isles do not use gold currency and as such it is difficult to calculate the wealth contained within but, it is known that no resident of the Realm has need of currency to survive, only to perform duties to ensure the continuation of the realm. Malcanthet may be among the wealthiest creatures of the Multiverse should she ever choose to use Gold within her realm as anything other than decoration.
Divine Classification
Demon Lord
Neutral Evil
Current Status
Ruling the Midnight Isles
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Queen of the Succubi
Queen of the Midnight Isles
The Elder Demoness
Demon Lord
Demon Lady
The Queen of Pleasure
The Queen of Pain
Corrupter of Light
The Insatiable Temptress
The Lady of Cruelty
102,082 Years Old
Date of Birth
1st of Feyrune
Circumstances of Birth
Created alongside the Planes by the Primordial Heart of the Abyss
The Herat of the Abyss
Nocticula (Fragment)
Current Residence
The Palace of Alushinyrra
Orange and Red
Flawless Raven Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruby Red
498 lbs.
Mazerath, God of Rot
Known Languages
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations


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