Sultanate of Verillix Organization in Alluria | World Anvil

Sultanate of Verillix

  • The northern materialistic, militaristic nation of Verillix is mostly dry and barren.
  • Dominated by Humans, Dwarves are the second most common race
  • Verillix is governed by its military and is interlocked with Terrus in war at all times.
  • Run by Sultan Quar el-Mabid al-Mekh
  • It's geography houses a massive volcano they use to forge armour and weapons
  • While Verillan is their main language, all military personnel learn Infernal
  • Historically made pacts with Devils to fight against Terrus.
  • Invaded Alluria at the behest of their gods, creating the country of Hadith.

Heartforge of Verillix

  The great volcano of Verillix, Jabalnar, is the primary source of Fire-forged Steel and Frost-forged Steel for all the realms. The technique for making them was originally from the Dwarves of Corfix, but it didn't take long for the Verillic to master and perfect it. The Heartforge is the perfect location giving the best conditions for the making for this specialised metal and all made from the Heartforge are of notably finer quality than elsewhere in the world. The process is long and complex in its technique and smiths from across the world travel to the Heartforge to try their hand at it, the best getting a chance to work there for good, but it is a great challenge to make such superior armour and weaponry.

Forged in Sand and Flame

Alternative Names
Verillix, North Qalbeazim
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy