Imperial Abjurer Profession in Allucimere | World Anvil
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Imperial Abjurer



To become a true abjurer is very difficult and may take years of long, hard practice, training and learning in academies and universities. There are many, many apprentices and journeymen, training hard to rise to the top one day and become an Imperial Abjurer, but many won't succeed. Most give up their training after about five to ten years and proceed to be a simple village healer, or mercenary, nowhere near as glorious as an Imperial Abjurer but still nothing to scoff at.

Career Progression

Abjurers often begin their journey in an academy, slowly progressing up its ranks and devoting years of their lives to careful study and research into one of abjuration's three primary schools. Eventually, they will seek out a master to teach them more intimately on the intricacies of their particular school which their books might not cover. Few progress beyond this stage but those who do are practically destined to become Imperial Abjurers, powerful abjurers in their own right who often take on apprentices of their own.

Payment & Reimbursement

Imperial Abjurers are employed by the Empire, under their own branch connected to the Legions. They are paid very well, the equivalent of a legionary Centurion. They are given access to libraries of otherwise restricted Imperial research and occasional grants for research projects as well. As for non-imperial abjurers, the pay isn't as good, but depending on the person's skill and task (healing and mercenary work pay the best), they can live a comfortable life.

Other Benefits

Local abjurers often become known from town to town and are sometimes contracted by local authorities to help out, most often with healing work or protection duties. These abjurers are most common, and appear in many local myths and legends. Imperial Abjurers on the other hand are renowned far beyond their home towns and gain great fame, if they did not have that before. For an Imperial Abjurer, doors have a tendency to open completely unprompted.



Can range from a specialized soldier to a powerful healer to the wealthy to a monster slayer to a simple adventurer with little goal or direction. Problem with this is that there really aren't many mages compared to more traditional professions.

Social Status

Becoming an Imperial Abjurer can catapult anyone into patrician status, though it is most often patricians who become Imperial Abjurers. Although abjurers of any kind are perceived to be very influential people with power many lust for, those who are imperially sanctioned are all of this and more, carrying with them the unconquered might of Caleia.


It used to be that being an abjurer meant being a lone wolf, wandering the world with nothing but your books and your own wits, going from city to city until an Elf lord paid you enough to stay in one and serve him. But when the mantle of abjuration went from elf to man, this all changed. Under the Caleian Empire, abjurers became a valued and strictly regulated commodity. Only state sanctioned universities were permitted to teach abjuration, and arcane tomes had to be classified by the government. Those sufficiently adept in abjuration gained the coveted title of Imperial Abjurer, and were incorporated as tools of the Empire, separate and symbiotic with the Legions. The bureaucracy of it has, surprisingly enough, survived into the Shadow Age more or less unchanged, though now far more abjurers than the Empire would like to admit have gone rogue.
Alternative Names
Mages, Shamans, Sorcerers, Warlocks
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