The Courier's Court Organization in Allocke | World Anvil
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The Courier's Court

Written by GMJaraxus-527

The Courier's Court is a world-wide organization of all of the various trading companies and delivery systems working together to maximize profit and safeguard assets. Any and every shop within some reasonable semblance of civilization gets the majority of their stock supplied through the Court. The Court regulates commerce by means of land, sea, air, and even rail. Their policies dictate who can lead transport expeditions and what sort of preventive measures they are issued for their travel. The Court controls the traffic of goods and vehicles across continents and around the world. Being such a huge social endeavor, it makes it all the more unusual that the whole operation is headquartered in the capital city of the Orcish homeland.


The organization does not have a singular executive leader, instead the Court is just as the name implies; a system of multiple organizations working together under the guidance of a regulatory "court". For each commercial group that claims membership, there are a handful of representatives who will attend all meetings where business restructuring or management decisions need to be made. For the most part, the court simply sets the rules for all members to follow and allows local headquarters around the globe to take care of particular details concerning specific situations.


The Court actually was started in Fith'mugal, when the Orcish people realized that they could get the sustaining resources that their homeland lacked by trading away the excessive amounts of Ley crystal that populated the mines throughout the hills. Very quickly, the Orcs became a wealthy people, exploiting the highly valued crystals that they knew little uses for at the time. Just as much as the Orcs prospered, those that they traded with also made large gains by passing the trade of Ley crystal along to other areas of the world where mages and researchers were most desperate to get their hands on some. Soon enough, word got around about just how booming the Orcish trade organization was becoming, and traders groups around the world wanted in on the action. Today the Courier's Court has expanded to include all markets, trade methods, and has routes established to reach the most remote locales. If any entrepreneur is looking to make it big in the trade business, they look to become the newest member of the Court.
Guild, Merchant
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members

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