Palari Species in Aliens and Rock'n Roll | World Anvil


Palari are the dominant, intelligent alien race native to the planet of Palar.

Basic Information


Palari can be identified by their humanoid appearance, with a striking resemblance to human skeletal structure, likely due to the same genetic interference that created humans.   Their notable traits are their green skin which can range in hue from more yellowish to more blueish. Their faces are very different, with large heads and flat faces. Their craniums are larger to make room for increased brain mass. Their eyes are also significantly larger, usually black and reflective thanks to the hard protective lens that covers them. They lack prominent nose cartilage, only using their nostrils for breathing, and their lips are less fatty and defined. Inside their mouths, they have small fangs that are used for tearing through the tougher meat their planet offers.   They lack ears, and instead pick up auditory signals through their antennae. These antennae are also capable of picking up on radio signals and sonic frequencies.   Their hair, when the choose to grow it, is phosphorescent and emits a glow, which actually blends in with the bioluminescent plant life that is very common on their planet. It often forms an ombre of blues, purples, greens or pinks.   They have four fingers and four toes, with their fingers being longer and tipped with extra sensitive pads that they can emit electromagnetic impulses through.   Their blood and internal organs are blue. They bleed blue, the insides of their mouths are blue, and scars will heal blue.

Genetics and Reproduction

Detailed Reproductive Information. May be NSFW
Palari reproduction works a lot like sea horses on earth, where the female produces offspring and passes it onto the male for gestation.   Palari reproductive organs are located on the lower stomach, hidden under a smooth flap of skin. The males genetic material comes in the form of a viscous, slime like solution that into the female through the use of a frilled tendril inside his body. The frills are capable of scraping away unwanted genetic material from other males as well as stimulating the female. The genetic sludge will than pass through the female's ovum and be absorbed into an unfirtalized egg. Once fertalized, the egg will begin to grow as cells inside before repoducing.   The egg doesn't have a hard shell, nor is it designed to survive on land, so it needs to develop inside an adult. Females evolved to produce many eggs, but don't have the room to gestate even one fully grown egg, so once the egg is viable, the female will return to the male, and use her ovipositor to deposit the egg into the male's egg pouch where it will continue to gestate until birth. If the female cannot find their mate again, the egg will be aborted and ejected from the system.   Gestation lasts for about one Earth-Year and the newborn Palari will painlessly emerge from the father's egg pouch.

Growth Rate & Stages

Palari grow into adulthood quite fast, about twice as fast as a human, and will be fully mature in about 10-12 earth-years. Palari go through a few metamorphosis stages through their development. Infants will be soft, squishy and translucent and their limbs will be under developed and tentacle like. After their first metamorphosis after 6 earth-months, they will shed their skin and grow fingers and toes, and their bones will harden up. They will shad their skin once roughly year after this point until they are adults.   Palari will can live for centuries, up to 800 or even 1,000 years old. Near the end of their natural life, their skin elasticity will weaken, causing wrinkles, and their hair will lose it's luminosity and turn dark and brown. Many of their senses and bodily functions will also start to weaken and fail, until they eventually die.

Ecology and Habitats

Palari live on the planet palar, which is a low-light planet due to it's small, hot sun and cloudy weather. Many animals and plants are nocturnal and at night most plants will illuminate a vibrant glow, which was ideal for Palari to hide and navigate in during their evolution. Palari is colder than Earth regularly, more humid and has an lower concentration of oxygen. Palari breathe CO2 much in the same way plants absorb it.   Nowadays, the Palari have modernized and live in large domed cities protected from the elements, and have spread far an wide through the galaxy.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Palari are omnivores and will eat a lot of the plants an animals that are native to their planet. They are capable of eating quite a few Earth foods as well, but are particularly fond of hallucinogetic mushrooms, as they don't effect their minds but contain a protein that is delicious to them and is good for their brains.   It's not so much recommended for humans to eat Palari food, as a lot of the plants have mind altering effects on humans, and a lot of their meat is chewy and slimey, like trying to eat a slug.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Higher than average human-like intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Palari's larger eyes allow them sharper eye sight as well as the ability to pick up on a more vivid spectrum of colors. As stated before, their anttenae allow them to pick up on frequencies inaudible to normal ear drums. Their fingertips are extremely sensitive and can conduct electromagnetic energy. On the flipside, they cannot smell like creatures, and rely on their antennae to pick up pheromones'.   Their larger brains also make them able to process information 5 times faster than even the smartest human brain. They have an expanded capacity for memory, and the electromagnetic energy that they can pulse through their fingers is generated in the brain and passed through the nervous system.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Most Palari names are impossible for the human mouth to pronounce, so many of them go by codenames when communicating with humans.

Gender Ideals

Palari do not have distinct gender roles outside of reproduction, as theirs no perceivable different in strength, intelligence or emotional depth between genders. Females tend to hold leadership positions purely do to their natural maternal instinct to lead a colony.

Average Technological Level

Palari have mastered space travel and have formed many exo-colonies on planets inside and out of their solar system. They have complex space crafts capable of inter galactic travel, and wormhole generators that allow for faster than light travel. They have domed colonies that can survive on any planet and even float through space as space stations.   Once these colonization projects, the The Arc Project, is a planned super colony, where in the event of their stars death, all of the cities in Palar will be launched off of the planet, along will samples of every recorded species on the planet, and form a super colony space station to escape the blast.   Palari also have a number of sci-fi gadgets and weapons at their disposal. Most of their weapons use electricity or plasma, controlled by their electromagnetic impulses, meaning only Palari can work them. A good example of this is the plasma sword, which is a metallic, sword weapon with a hot plasma beam on one side that can cut through steel or solid rock.

Common Dress Code

Much of Palari clothing in the modern era is made from Warp Metal, a material that can conform to any shape, texture, and color through electric signals. This gives the Palari infinite possibilities of clothing, though most of the time, their clothes will have a glossy, metalic finish as a result.   Many Palari shave their heads, as it's considered a proper and a sign of respect to shave your head. More recently though it's become popular with younger, more rebellious Palari to grow out their and use it as a form of self expression.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Palari communicate with a variety of different alien races in the galaxy, and have formed alliances with many of them. They also make a habit of making claims to planets without established space travel and tracking the development of the creatures living there, Earth being one of these planets.   They also have a few enemies, one being the Hivers, a race of worm-like parasites that invade hosts and transform them into mutated creatures that they can control. Palari made the mistake of attempting to colonize a planet that had already been invaded by Hivers, making them their next target, and they've been at war ever since.
Examples of some Palari, a Palari human hybrid, and Zach...
Scientific Name
Stellapuerum viridis
Nearly 1,000 Earth-years.
Average Height
4" to 5" feet.
Average Weight
100 - 150 lbs
Average Intelligence
Higher than average human-like intelligence


Palari evolved the way they did thanks to the interference of a now long extinct precursor race that traveled the universe. They lived on the planet for thousands of years, developing a society and their technology, going to war, and dealing with global hardships in much the same way humans are right now. An initiative to create global piece was eventually started by a group known as The Colony. Ran by the 'Brood Mother', the Colony was an organization that collaborated with global powers to consolidate all of the planet under one government. Those who opposed this great merge, were eradicated.   Soon after world peace and collaboration had been established, the Colony began work on space travel, making it to one of their planets moons, where they would discover an ancient moon base left behind by an unknown race, thousands of years before their societies were even formed. They spent years studying base, realizing it was designed to genetically alter creatures and monitor their development from afar. It is from their tech that Palari cracked the code of intergalactic space travel. inventing a wormhole generator to cross large sections of the universe for faster than light travel.   In an attempt to track down the origin of the precursor race, they would encounter other space fairing races and make alliances with them, they would even encounter planets where they had visited, but the species in question either didn't evolve properly, died out, or had yet to make it to space. Earth was one of those planets where they would discover a precursor base located on the neighboring planet of Mars. They would continue to observe humans as their development mirrored their own in many ways.   Eventually, they would come to realize that the star that their planet orbited, the sun that gave them life, was dying. It was certain that the star could blow any time between now, and 5,000 years from now. This jumpstarted the initiative to colonize other planets they can escape to when their star finally died.   The Arc Project was a project to form a super colony space station orbiting a random star in the galaxy. The super colony would be self sufficient and act as a miniature planet that could be manually piloted from star to star.   The Hybrid Project was a project to develop a new generation of Palari on off world planets by breeding them with local species and allowing them to adapt to the environment. The idea is that by integrating their young into the family structures of these races, they will be more susceptible to more Palari immigrating onto the planet, as well as forming a generation of Palari genetically capable of thriving on the planet's new environment.   The final project, The Eden Project, where they plan to terraform an imperfect planet into the ideal conditions to move their flora and fauna to, so they may preserve the habitats and biomes that made their original planet so special.


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