Algaress Act VII: The End
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Act VII: The End

Religious event


Summarized end.

The party met Taliah Hawklight, and after some discussion, she determined that the staff that was missing was the staff of Azontel, and was able to tell them that Azontel was a god of vampires who was thought to be destroyed, but it was likely a part of him lived on in the staff. The group set out for an island where they believed Dralduin to be, and there they found the wreckage of Monty's ship, as well as a new dark tower. Hawklight was able to tell them that vampires would be drawn to the tower, and that they must ascend the tower and destroy the staff. Unfortuantely, she was barred by a magical barrier from entering herself.   The group entered the tower and met with a woman named Cassandra, a vampire cleric of the White Lady who had been drawn to the tower and knew it must be destroyed. Together, they worked their way past various traps, including multiple forms of undead, and rooms designed for each of their weaknesses. When they reached the top of the tower, they found Dralduin working on a new ship. They did battle with him, and he wielded powerful dark magic from the staff, but also seemed to be fighting it's influence. Eventually they were able to free him from the staff and destroy it, though Yasias was killed in the process. This created a giant magical explosion that ripped open a hole in the planes, Bob was able to grab Yasias's body, but they were both sucked in. Dralduin and Theo meanwhile, dove off the building, and Cassandra flew off.   Bob and Yasias ended up on an elven skyship, moving through space.  There they became shipmates, fighting pirates, exploring different worlds, and other such activities until they eventually found their way home.     Dralduin was able to return home, having survived the fall due to his dwarven toughness.  Freed of the influence of the staff, he returned to River's Edge and resumed the life of a smith.   Theo returned to Teramund with Taliah, where he began to work as a smuggler, smuggling food and other supplies from the richer districts to the needy in the poorer districts, becoming a folk hero in the city.  He also was inducted in the secret society, Friends of Damian.

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