Valen Falaren Character in Algaress | World Anvil
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Valen Falaren

Valen Falaren is an alchemist and thief that hailed from Altaiseha, specifically Leann and Winekeep.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Valen Falaren was an alchemist and thief, born the first daughter of Celia Levi and Telon Falaren, resulting in her mixed heritage as a half elf. Valen was an intelligent child, by human standards, but also graceful, taking to the art of the thief just as well as her father's books and lessons. Splitting time between her mother's tavern in The City of Leann and her father's home outside The City of Winekeep, she would grow into a confident young woman, able to brew potions, toss bombs, shoot a bow, or stab a man, whatever the situation called for. It is in her early years that her travels through the forest also gave her an affinity for nature and a love of it's creatures, she would often adopt wounded or hurt animals and nurse them back to health.   Despite her alchemcial talents, Valen's attempts to strike out into her own business were overshadowed by the legends of Warren the Alchemist (who her Mother was able to tell her was really the first alias of Damian Hargrove) and the crimes of the Whiskey Way Warriors. She had an obsession with becoming better then them and (what she perceived) as a rivalry with Damian. Valen also kept a pet pig named "Truffles" that she used to hunt for alchemy ingredients in the forest.   The Outlaws and the Black King   After the Outlaws returned from their trip to Saint Brenedan's island, they sought to take a trip to the great mountain in the middle of Keponarth, on the information of Isabella Fairchild, who told them of a shaman on the top of the mountain who could provide them with magical tattoos that would protect their dreams from incursions by The Black King. However, with the departure of Julian Chamberlain from the group, the Outlaws needed a new trapspringer, and Isabella tracked down Valen, enticing her wanderlust and need to make a name for herself, and she joined the group.   Valen's tenure as the group's only trapspringer would be short lived, as Julian would rejoin the group shortly into their journey, after Damian brought him back to them. They would end up confronting a Blue Dragon in their travels, defeating the creature, and Valen took a scale off the creature. Finding their way into the town of Batata, the group would find the town to be cursed, surrounded by mystical sandstorms on all sides (that were not present when entering the town, but prevented leaving), and that the people of the town were all statues. Finding a portal into a hell realm at the bottom of a well, Valen participated in the chess game against Typhon the Second, but was revived after the party's loss/stalemate. In their attempts to free the town, and themselves, she would be instrumental in freeing the captured half-orc Malthuk Owaw, and the defeat of the town's evil Mayor. She proceeded to collect his unholy alchemical armor, planning to study it on their journey. After freeing the town and meeting Saint Catherine, the group would continue on their way.   Valen would assist the alchemist Damian in his attack on the celestial city and the break out of Markus Millner. After the defeat of Julian Chamberlain and the Outlaws going their separate ways, she would wind up back in the service of Damian.   After The Outlaws   After leaving the City of Leann, Valen would adventure around for a year or so, before moving to The Citadel, the capital city of The Kingdom of Dhalmass, working as Damian's agent in the city. Using her skills as an alchemist and thief, combined with her own feminine wiles and a willingness to do whatever it takes, she began to make a name for herself. This would lead her to becoming the leader of the Thieves Guild in the city. Life was getting pretty good for her, she even found a handsome thief by the name of Aldrich and married him after a quick courtship.   A few months before the events of the Unity Festival, Valen learned of a large job being orchestrated by Captain Monty and the Court Wizard of Dhalmass, Maguris Whiteleaf, the robbery of a vault of the Iron Bank in River's Edge, and the destruction of the town by kobold invasion. However, burdened with pregnancy, she took the news to Aldrich, hoping that her husband would help her to save the town. Unfortunately, Aldrich was far more loyal to the Wizard, and his true purpose revealed to her, Aldrich was meant to take over the Thieves Guild on the orders of the Wizard, and he proceeded to stab his wife in the belly, killing their unborn child, and drugging her, leaving her in the street to die.   Valen resisted the poison, and managed to save herself from death. Sometime after this, Valen decided to attack the palace of the King during a fancy noble's gathering, blowing up the ballroom with several hidden barrels of gunpowder. During the confusion, she attempted to assassinate the King, charging at him with a pair of poison tipped daggers, but the King and Queen were safely whisked to safety by Maguris Whiteleaf, their Court Wizard. Valen was quickly taken to a trial, where she largely appeared to be insane, rambling about Maguris and promising to kill him and the King if released. In an act of mercy by the King, she was shipped off to The Lonely Rock, a prison island. In secret, the wizard had her memory erased, so that she could tell no one of his evil plans.   The Return of the Dragon Queen   Valen was rescued off of The Lonely Rock by The Lakewood Crew, who had been hired by Damian Hargrove to bring her back, as well as another captured prisoner (Johnny Marzetti). When they arrived at the prison itself, they found it in the middle of a riot, as Valen had faked her death, and released the prisoners to thin out the herd of priests. After killing The Warden, she proceeded to destroy the castle with black powder before they left. The group also put her talents to use in destroying the Hearthspire, a giant obsidian spire lifted from Asmodeus's realm that may have been spreading evil into the town. After they used a scroll of teleportation to return home, she was questioned as to why she was in the prison, and if she wanted to return to Damian. She replied that she did, and reiterated her stance on killing the King, the Queen, the Wizard, the rest of the royal family, possibly some nobles, and so on.
Year of Birth
1270 AYD 21 Years old
Aligned Organization


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