Oakcrest Church Building / Landmark in Algaress | World Anvil
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Oakcrest Church

The church to The White Lady in Oakcrest is a simple building, housing a head priestess and an acolyte, who both live in the church. They provide spiritual guidance, mundane and magical healing, and house poor travelers. They also sell magical healing supplies and identify magical items.

Purpose / Function

The church serves as the main place of worship in the village. Many of the townsfolk come to the church to pray, or seek advice from the clergy there. The church can also serve as a defensive structure if needed. The clergy of the temple sell potions and other healing items, as well as identify magical items. They also do their best to house and feed poor travelers, and to care for the sick.


In Mid Autumn 1288 AYD, two additional rooms were added to the back of the church. A larger bedroom was constructed as the new incoming priestess was a human, and the existing quarters were smaller (as the creator Salva Quietfoot was a halfling, she required less space than most humans). The existing quarters were converted to a bedroom for an acoylte, and another communual room was built between the two, this room is often used for meals, the brewing of potions, and other duties of the church.


The building is primarily made of stone, with large stained glass windows depicting The White Lady performing various miracles. On the front are a pair of tall, oak doors, and above them stands the bell tower.


All the doors in the church can be locked, and barred if needed. The roof is reinforced so as to be able to hold many people on top of it, so if needed, people can retreat to the roof via the belltower stairs and repel invaders from above.


On the 28th day of New Summer, 1286 AYD, the village of Oakcrest was attacked by a combination of goblins, and undead. The halflings of the nearby hamlet of Rosebriar had been killed and turned into zombies by a necromancer in the service of The Black King. One halfling survived the onslaught of Rosebriar, a priestess of The White Lady named Salvia Quietfoot. She helped to rally the village's defenses, marshalling them into The Thirsty Moose and from her leadership, they were able to defeat the necromancer's minions. The necromancer himself was slain by a group of adventurers hired by Mayor Aaron McPierce.   With her home destroyed, and a number of people wanting to learn more of her deity, Salvia began construction of the church, assisted by her eager converts in the village. The church was completed on the 1st day of Old summer, 1286 AYD, and they celebrated by having a pie eating contest, all the proceeds went to purchasing a bell for the bell tower. The bell was delivered and installed on the 18th day of Midautumn that year.
Founding Date
1 Old Summer, 1286 AYD
Parent Location


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