Feram Settlement in Alfeon | World Anvil
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Feram (Fur-Ram)


A mass of tents, stalls, and temporary structures, all set up on either side of Thieves River. The town is mostly ignored, which allows it to be a festerment of illegal activity and trading, making it a black market town. Criminal, assassin, and other guilds that conduct illegal activity are based here. The town is only held together by the criminals on a 'mutually assured destruction' type treaty, not wanting to go to war with other guilds and suffer extreme losses, each criminal keeps to his own, making crimes such as theft, murder, and other violent crimes being virtually non-existent within the makeshift town.  


The Lord's Tent:
The tent of the leader of Feram, is an extra large and extravagant tent, with four guards always stationed outside, armed with fancy and stylish armor and weapons. Only a few lucky individuals get to interview the Lord, with most who try to force their way, finding themselves quickly cut down by the guards, who are always master assassins. Inside, animal furs line the ground, and servants bustle around cleaning and cooking, with incense smoke filling the entire tent. The Lord sits in the backrest chamber of the tent, seated on a throne of bones and skulls of trophies and sentient victims, covered in the complete hide of a beast belonging to the Draconics. Concubines sit around the throne, constantly giving massages and attention to the Lord, that are attempting to distract any individuals talking to the Lord for their amusement. Servants will bustle in constantly and set various foods and drinks on the low coffee table before the Lord's throne, before bowing and leaving the chamber again.   Log-Bridge:
A bridge made of rickety, poorly-tied-tgoether logs that float on the river. Most individuals new to Feram will fall in their first few times before they learn to balance on the rickety logs. None of the individuals care enough about the tent-town to erect a proper bridge, and many wish to keep it that way to steal any belongings from newcomers who fall into the river, profiting a surprising amount from it. It's also a popular spot for individuals to flee to if chased or use a bottleneck point to fend off would-be-threats.   Adventure Tent:
Since Feram is the last and closest thing to a town Travelers visit before attempting Nick's Crossing in the Montiwell Mountains, the town has erected a tent specifically to sell items to these travelers. In many cases, travelers will buy extra supplies, as well as spend most of the money they have on them on an extra large feast and any other services their money can buy, as it is commonly known that most who venture out, perish on the mountain. The tent has become a huge source of income for the tent-town, and as a result is under protection of almost all guilds there, especially under the protection of the Lord. Any individuals who attempt harm, robbery, disrespect, or other such things to the travelers and Adventure Tent are dealt with by drowning in the Thieves River.   Thieves River:
The river that runs from there Montiwell Mountains, all the way down until it deposits into the Syntecs Lake at Novum. It's commonly used to help travelers find their way to and from Feram, as well as guide them to Nick's Crossing in the Montiwell Mountains. Those who venture out to attempt Nick's Crossing, but decide to turn back, will often craft vessels and sail down the river back to Feram, where they will sell the craft for money in order to venture back home.  


Following the Great Migration, the town was constructed in 4380 as a means to take advantage of the chaos of the recent events and perform illicit acitivies, selling, etc. This helped pave the way for criminal guilds a hundred years later (like Red Dusk Guild), and become a hotspot for their headquarters. Three years after the town was founded, it was attacked by the Allianced Nations slowly losing power and popularity and making a last ditch attempt to prove they still had a job to do. This resulted in the destruction of the brick buildings that had been built in the town and putting a heavy blockade on illicit activity for a while until two years later when the Allianced Nations went dormant. The citizens of Feram responded to the destruction of their brick homes by constructive tents and stalls made of wooden beams and fabrics, allowing them to easily dismantle their homes and flee should another military-entity try to attempt to put a stop to their illegal activity.
The rumors of Homo Saurus / Demons in 4400 originated here, due to the fact the Heralds of the Damned were performing many trade deals and whatnot within the town as a way to secretly gain power.


Due to a large amount of criminal activity, discrimination against other races isn't present within the town, which allowed it to also become a refuge for discriminated races right after the Great Migration for many homeless creatures. This helped spur its growth and make it much larger than it would've been otherwise. Homo Sapiens, Orcaligths, and Kekamotos make up most of the population, with the Orcaligths being the beings with the most power in the town. Each part of Feram is unofficially divided into different factions, owned by either various guilds or groups of various races. Outsiders are practically ignored when it comes to these boundaries (unless they affiliate in any friendly way with another guild/faction), but should one from another faction trespass into the territory of the other, then retribution is paid out. This usually means death to that individual, if not capture and torture, which almost results in turf wars. The Lord has done a good deal to prevent this from happening to help the growth of business and monetary income to the town and themself.

The Lord:

Leader of Feram, owner of the biggest private army in the world, and infamous for impressive and practically unbeatable combat ability. Whether they possess any Calibers is unknown, but their reputation is enough to scare any would-be threats away. They are exceedingly rich, and have their own private tent. Any major criminals who violate the rules of Feram are brought before the Lord and questioned, with the victims almost always executed for entertainment. Who the current lord is, is quite confusing, as the current Lord always has the Lord's Saber at their hip. But being the Lord is quite dangerous as assassinations are often, and the title changes hands more than one would like to think.

Intel Hub:

Despite its low quality and illicit activities, the town is one of the best places for people to go to gather the most obscure information about mysterious subjects. One can find all kinds of rumors and myths, with most being more true than you would believe. This has set up jobs for individuals as Intel-Diggers, where they will get paid to research certain unknown subjects, as well as be paid for any addition non-related info they find out. It's also seen as completely taboo to reveal the identity of an Intel-Digger, since most of their safety relies on this animosity.


Feram is one of the few places to have full-out, non-secret slavery, with humans being trafficked here from other places quite often. Men are used as laborers, forced to do various types of work that helps Feram grow more prosperous, with many of these jobs being very risky with high mortality rates, and the women are used as house servants and concubines. Sometimes the roles will be reversed, should the individual in power over the slaves deems it as so. The Lord knows that was the illegal activity within the city grows, it will reach a breaking point and the whole town and everyone in it will perish.


Everything within the town is very primitive, with any electric technology being a rarity. The town is essentially still in the medieval ages, with medicine, food, and the health of individuals following the trends of that era. Their language, although English, has old grammar in it, with them speaking words like 'thou', 'thee', 'it came to pass, and so on. Though they lack racism and whatnot, they still hold the old style beliefs of other things (IE women are rarely at all allowed positions of power, dress standards for all individuals, as well as all other such rules.

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