Venrithee "Vee" Tannethil Character in Alenya’s Adventures | World Anvil

Venrithee "Vee" Tannethil

A tall hooded figure pushes their way into the quiet tavern, only a few quiet conversations and a crackling fire welcoming them. With a shake of their shoulders their hood falls back, revealing long, silky white-blonde hair framing a freckled face. Elven ears twitch slightly as pale blue eyes quickly scan over the other patrons, smiling and nodding in greeting to those who notice her. She slowly makes her way to the bar, pack thumping to the floor as she settles into one of the stools, leaning heavily on her elbows.   After a little while the soothing aroma of tea reaches her as the barkeep, Theo, places a steaming pot and cup before her, "Welcome back, Vee. How'd it go?"   Vee smiles in thanks, always appreciative of how Theo seems to instinctively know what she needs at a given moment. The smile fades a little as she sighs in response to his question, "Not as well as I'd hoped, in all honesty, but it could have been worse."   "Sorry to hear that, lass. Did you at least get a good story out of it?"   She chuckles, "When do I not?"
  The Copper Fox tavern in High Rannoc sees many travelers and adventurers pass through its doors. Some only stay for short periods of time, but there are those who are regular patrons. One of these is Venrithee Tannethil - commonly known simply as Vee - a charismatic elf who is hungry for adventure. With a talent for weaving stories, Vee is always warmly welcomed and often finds herself quickly surrounded by people who eagerly wait to hear of her most recent journey. Her long years of adventuring far and wide have taught her that sometimes it is best to have only vague plans, or even no plan at all. This perspective has helped her to view inconveniences and unexpected circumstances as simply elements for an engaging story. After all, who wants to hear about a journey that goes exactly to plan, with no surprises?   Vee lives with her wife, Serellan, in a wooden cabin tucked away in a remote area. This is her sanctuary, and very few people actually know where it is or how to get there. Serellan sometimes joins Vee on her adventures, but she does not have the same level of wanderlust.  


  Vee grew up moving from place to place, rarely calling anywhere home. This unsettled life is what inspired her wanderlust, and gave her a restlessness that defined much of her life. However, as the years passed, she began to feel a desire to have somewhere to truly call her own, somewhere she can always return to and feel that she belongs. Her early years were spent aboard the airship that her parents captained together and, despite now having a settled home with Serellan, she has often said that it is in the air where she truly feels free and at peace. Yet Vee chose to not follow in her parents footsteps, at least, not completely. One of her first goals in life was to have her own small airship for just her and maybe one or two others. At first this was simply a craft to be used for her own leisure, but when she hit hard times she reluctantly used it for trade. Being an air courier was not a line of work Vee was keen for, no matter how much she enjoyed flying. She stuck with it as long as she needed to, before deciding to pack up her things and fly away to a new horizon: Celarruhn.

Cover image: by AP.


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Jul 17, 2023 11:02 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love her! It sounds like she would be really fun to hang out with. <3

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Jul 17, 2023 19:04 by AP.

Aw, thank you! I think she's going to become a recurring character as I rather like her too xD

Maker of Maps |AP.Cartography
Jul 17, 2023 19:30

I really enjoyed the article and now I want to know more about Vee. The little dialogue at the beginning is also a nice introduction to the character!

Jul 18, 2023 09:06 by AP.

Thank you! I'll definitely be adding more about her...eventually!

Maker of Maps |AP.Cartography