Scala Geographic Location in Aldris | World Anvil
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Scala is a massive continent to the south of the realm of Aldris, covered in mostly desert with a pair of tundras flanking at the sides. It was the primary site of the War of Embers, a colossal conflict between the Vow of the Rexes and the Order of the Paragon Scale, two orders of Chromatic and Metallic dragons respectively, which left the world desolate and scarred.


  • Black Sands of Savanoor (Upper Black Desert): An expanse of volcanic black desert bordering the great volcano known as the Eye of Aldreesi, home to amazonian tribes of fire genasi, fire giants, and earth genasi. The lands black volcanic sand makes for fertile soil, allowing an expansive jungle to grow to the west of the desert.
  • The Eye of Aldreesi (Volcano): A colossal volcano that eats up most of the northern lands, its black smoke constantly rising to cloak the earth in the shadow of its boiling clouds.
  • Ruins:
  • Cliffs:
  • Town:
There's a small spit of land to the top right, settled by a small community that worships a distinct deity:
  • Inn:
  • Cave:
  • Shrine:
  • Hamlet:
  • Northwest Watchtower:
  • The Dragon Scars (Mountain):
  • The Bores and the Cirruses (Site of Battle): This immense lake is formed out of the destruction of the final battle during the War of Embers, ocean water filling in from the sunder landscape to fill into this great crater. Since then, these long lakes that span the whole of the continent allow for vast sea travel, known as the Cirrus.
  • The Lobora Desert (Lower Yellow Desert):
  • The Ibn Pale (Left Tundra): The Ibn Pale, otherwise known as the Ibn, is a colossal desert covered in clouds, ice, and snow. The Sand is a blue-gray.
  • The Whirl of Dust (Right Tundra)
There is a small landmass parted off at the top right of the continent, housing the following landmarks below:
  • Forest
  • Legendary Creature
  • Upper Cave
  • Town
  • Watchtower
  • Mine
  • Mountain
  • Lower Cave
  • Dungeon
  • Site of Battle
  • Spirit
Alternative Name(s)
The Land of Twin Deserts, The Scar of the Dragons
Included Organizations

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