Andros Sonora Character in Aldris | World Anvil
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Andros Sonora

King, Lord Andros Haemen Sonora (a.k.a. Andy, Andros)

King Andros Sonora, otherwise known as "Andros the Soft", was a king of Sonora who took the throne after the ousting of Dolan Sonora by the nobility and serfdom alike. Due to taking the throne following the end of "The War of the Yapping King", Andros sought to make an alliance with the Dwarves to keep the peace due to their overwhelming land power, and allowed the Dwarves to begin mining for ore within human lands. Due to his constant wish to keep the peace over showing strength, he was viewed as a kind but weak king who let the dwarves incur on the humans and the native fey in his lands, and was viewed with unfavorability by even his own son, future King Doran Sonora.
Current Location
47 Years Old
Blonde Brown w/ Grey Wisps
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale w/ Freckles

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