The Arcane Accord Document in Aldor | World Anvil

The Arcane Accord

The Arcane Accord, a pivotal cornerstone in Eryndor's magical history, marked a paradigm shift in the magical realm. Until its advent, practitioners of magic were clustered into discrete, geographically-bound sects, each honing a distinct magical realm. Post the Battle of Rankin, the once-dominant Order of the Arcane disintegrated into fragmented groups. However, the discovery of the Locus of Knowledge by Sidrus Ejafi catalyzed a unity movement. Consequently, Ejafi's Arcane Accord gave rise to the Conclave of the Keepers, bridging disparate magical practitioners under one roof.   Emerging in the latter days of the Age of the Stone, the formation of the Conclave of the Keepers signified the recognition of magic as an influential force. Practitioners from the three major magical realms - Arcane, Elemental, and Nature - converged to safeguard and foster their collective knowledge. The drafting of the Arcane Accord was the collaborative effort of these early practitioners, the first Council of Masters, to navigate their shared journey.   The formulation of the Accord was a meticulous process, incorporating perspectives from each realm on the ethics, protocols, and regulations associated with the magical arts. Reflecting Eryndor's diverse and intricate magical knowledge, the Accord underwent several years of intense deliberations and negotiations before finally gaining ratification on 15 Srascuamir, 1 KE  . With its inception, the Conclave fortified its position as a leading authority on Eryndor's magic.   Over centuries, the Arcane Accord adapted to the dynamic landscape of magical practices. Modifications included innovative selection processes for Council members, incorporation of new fields of magical studies, and revision of the voting system. The Accord's landmark amendment in 3E 219 introduced the five-year rotation system for the Council of Masters' elections, ensuring balanced representation and continuity.   The Arcane Accord, a testimony to the Conclave's dedication to the preservation, enhancement, and ethical practice of magic, continues to serve as its guiding charter. It shapes the Conclave's methodology in governance, education, and the relentless pursuit of magical knowledge. Today, the Accord's presence embodies the ethos of unity in diversity among Eryndor's magical practitioners.


A charter describing the by-laws of the Conclave of the Keepers
Text, Legislative
Ratification Date
Srascuamir 15, 1 KE
Signatories (Organizations)


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