Move Earth Spell in Alcirya | World Anvil

Move Earth

When cast, the move earth spell moves dirt (clay, loam, sand) and its other components. Thus, embankments can be collapsed, hillocks moved, dunes shifted, etc. However, in no event can rock prominences be collapsed or moved.

The area to be affected dictates the casting time; for every 120 feet x 120 feet surface area and 10 feet of depth, one turn of casting time is required. The maximum area that can be affected is 720 feet x 720 feet, which takes four hours.

If terrain features are to be moved - as compared to simply caving in banks or walls of earth - it is necessary that an Earth Elemental be subsequently summoned to assist. All spell casting or summoning must be completed before any effects occur. As any summoned Earth Elemental will perform most of its work underground, it is unlikely that it will be intercepted or interrupted. Should this occur, however, the movement of the earth requiring its services must be stopped until the elemental is once again available. Should the elemental be slain or dismissed, the move earth spell is limited to collapsing banks or walls of earth.

The spell cannot be used for tunneling and is generally too slow to trap or bury creatures; its primary use is for digging or filling moats or for adjusting terrain contours before a battle.

Note: This spell does not violently break the surface of the ground. Instead, it creates wavelike crests and troughs, with the earth reacting with glacierlike fluidity until the desired result is achieved. Trees, structures, rock formations, etc. are relatively unaffected, save for changes in elevation and relative topography.

Type of Magic
Spell Level
Alteration (House Publius)
30 ft./level​

Material, Somatic, Verbal

The material components for this spell are a mixture of soils (clay, loam, sand) in a small bag and an iron blade.

Permanent ​
Casting Time
Area of Effect
Saving Throw


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