Monastic Warrior Profession in Alcirya | World Anvil

Monastic Warrior

​These Military Orders have formed the strong backbone of the Xanthic military in the Wild Lands. These are lethal warriors focused on very specific tasks with little variance allowed in their lives until that task is completed. Often ordered to a long term task, these warriors developed cultures that have lasted generations completing their task. ​  
​Each Military Order was founded for a different, specific purpose. They consider themselves to be members of the Xanthic Military (and maintain rank as if so) but may have had no direct contact with the powers that be in Xanthios for hundreds of years. These warriors are equally deadly armed or unarmed and have complete dedication to the tasks set before them (often to guard a treatsure or location or to oppose some organization). While most of these warriors will disclose their mission, some have gone underground in order to better accomplish their task. Thus, many stories have cropped up around their true intentions. These warriors are expected to follow a superior’s orders without question (see Special Hindrances below). ​
Distinctive Appearance
Special Benefits
The Monastic Warrior need never worry about food or lodging while in Xanthic territory. Even if an outpost of the Order is not located nearby, the grateful people gladly donate what they can for their pious defender.​
​Because of their training and fanatic zeal, these warriors gain a +1 bonus to hit, damage, and saving throws when fighting for their specific cause.​

​Furthermore, as a member of an extensive and disciplined military organization, a PC can give an order to a subordinate and expect it to be obeyed. Within his own organization, a Monastic Warrior has authority over those of three levels lower than himself. For instance, at 4th level, a Monastic Warrior can command 1st-level initiates.

Special Hindrances
​Members of this kit are expected to obey orders themselves, immediately and without question, when delivered by a superior (a warrior of three or more levels higher than the PC). Obviously, the PC can always decide whether or not to follow the orders of a superior, but failure to comply results in an immediate trial before the Grand Master. For a minor infraction, unless the PC can give a compelling reason for the deliberate misconduct, he is stripped of his privileges (including magical items) and ejected from the Order. Punishment for a serious crime, like desertion (or, even worse, conversion to an evil priesthood) is death, meted out at the earliest opportunity by other members of the Order. ​
Attribute Requirements
12 Strength, Wisdom, and Constitution
Barred Beliefs
​The Monastic Warrior takes vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. They emphasize charitable deeds and healing, and so must be of lawful good alignment. They also stress obedient service, and so may be either lawful good or lawful neutral ​
Race Requirement
Bonus Weapon Proficiencies
Required Weapon Proficiencies
Sword (long or bastard) and lance (medium or heavy) ​
Recommended Weapon Proficiencies
All swords and lances, mace (both types), morning star, flail (both types), spear, dagger, Axe.
Barred Weapon Proficiencies
Crossbow ​
Bonus Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Healing or any two Language (Modern), Riding (Land-Based)
Barred Non-Weapon Proficiencies
​​Any Rogue​
​These Military Orders were among the best-equipped warriors in Alcirya but they are now dependent entirely on their own means. They may use their personal wealth to purchase arms, armor, and equipment as they see fit, donating all excess money to their Order (see “Wealth Options”).
Each Order provides the following for its brethren:
  • Horses: At 1st level, the warrior may obtain a riding horse.
  • At 3rd level, the Order also provides a light war horse
  • at 7th level, the Order further provides a heavy war horse.
  • If any of these steeds are lost or slain, they are not replaced until the warrior has reached the next level. A warrior may never own more than four horses. ​

    Wealth Options
    ​Monastic Warriors begin play with the usual 5d4 x 10 gp. In keeping with their vow of poverty, these warriors keep no personal wealth whatsoever. Aside from sufficient funds to purchase and maintain equipment, they must donate all excess wealth to the Order for its charitable duties, maintenance, and upkeep. ​
    Homeland Terrain
    Economic System


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