Du'Makh, God of Darkness and War Character in Alcirya | World Anvil

Du'Makh, God of Darkness and War

​Du'Makh is the tantruming child. Violent, explosive, full of sound and fury the followers of Du'Mahk make their name known. They seek any opportunity to tear down, to destroy, to make ruin the walls of creation. They lack subtly, the enjoy spectacle. Drama, pageantry, and arrogance are their meat and drink. They revel in all that is wrong simply because it is wrong. Priests of Du'Mahk are oppositionly defiant. If the answer is yes, the respond with no. If the sky is blue, they call it red. It if's up, they will claim it is down and for all these causes they will die for death will allow their power to be utilized in it's purest form and the foot of their God. Of course, all this is not to say that every follower of Du'Mahk is simply an unthinking automaton bent on carnage. Quite the contrary, those followers of Du'Makh that are gifted with significant intelligence have learned to shape, guide, and focus the tempest and use it in effective fashion to thrown down creation. ​​ ​Du'Makh's plane of existance is known as The Dungeon. ​

Divine Domains

Darkness, War
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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