The Dungeon Geographic Location in Alcirya | World Anvil

The Dungeon

​Du'Makh's plane of existence is one long expanse of metallic dungeon, heated with cracks seeping magma and vents that lead to great pools of magma. Followers of Du'Makh that make it here find themselves wnadering through these endless tunnels which bifurcate constantly. As they wander they eventually encounter others and engage in a series of combats which become more and more challenging as they make their way deeper into the depths. As the defeat their enemies, they become stronger, find more implements of destruction, and their bloodlust beocmes greater. Eventually, they will be defeated as their number and power of their enemies grows. When defeated, the soul is transformed into a new entity (a type of Tanar'ri determined by how many enemies they defeated).​
Dimensional plane


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